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AACB Class 3
Part of AACB

AACB Class 3
Credit: NASA
American winged orbital launch vehicle. The AACB Class III launch vehicle was an advanced concept use air-breathing stages, but still requiring two stages to achieve orbit. The joint NASA/USAF panel concluded that the technology did not yet exist to develop this concept, so it was only regarded as an option by 1982 at the earliest.
Status: Study 1966. Payload: 15,876 kg (35,000 lb). Gross mass: 306,175 kg (675,000 lb).
The vehicle would have a gross mass of 450,000 kg and a payload to orbit of 16,000 kg. Stage 1 would be powered by a turbofan-ramjet and have a takeoff mass of 306,000 kg; stage 2 would be powered by a scramjet and rocket and have an mass of 132,000 kg. The evaluation used a design investigated by Lockheed in 1965-66.
LEO Payload: 15,876 kg (35,000 lb).
orbital launch vehicle,
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 | AACB Class 3 Staging Credit: NASA |
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