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Altitude Sounder
Part of KAUR-1
 Strela-1 Strela-1 prototype. Later spacecraft in the series are believed to be similar in appearance. |
Russian earth atmosphere satellite. Study 1969. Used the KAUR-1 bus, which consisted of a 2.035 m diameter cylindrical spacecraft body, with solar cells and radiators of the thermostatic temperature regulating system mounted on the exterior.
Status: Study 1969. Gross mass: 1,000 kg (2,200 lb). Height: 3.00 m (9.80 ft). Span: 2.04 m (6.68 ft).
The hermetically sealed compartment had the equipment mounted in cruciform bays, with the chemical batteries protecting the radio and guidance equipment mounted at the center. Unlike other spacecraft using this bus, The spacecraft was used on suborbital 'altitude sounder' missions and was equipped with an active orientation system.
Atmosphere sat,
Reshetnev bureau.
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