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AMSS - Austere Modular Space Station

Rockwell Station '76
Rockwell Space Station Concept, 1976
Credit: NASA via Marcus Lindroos
American manned space station. Study 1975. North American Rockwell's 'Austere Modular Space Station' was in contrast to more grandiose schemes in the mid-1970's.
Status: Study 1975.
The most important application in those days was constructing large space structures, e.g. extremely large communications satellites , giant 20 kilometer-wide solar power satellites or even giant orbiting space colonies for millions of people. Contemporary space station studies such as Rockwell's and Boeing's were closely tied to this objective. NASA's Outlook for Space report from 1975 recommended a number of possible goals, including development of a 12-man space station in low Earth orbit by 1988 and a similar station in lunar orbit by 1994.
Article by Marcus Lindroos
Space station,
USA - Space Stations.
North American.
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