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Category of missiles and spacecraft.
 | Bold Orion American air-launched anti-ballistic missile. Dropped from B-47 medium bombers, the missile consisted of a Sergeant booster and Altair upper stage. |
| Bold Orion 1 American anti-ballistic missile. Two stage vehicle consisting of 1 x B-47 Stratojet + 1 x Sergeant |
 | V-1000 Russian anti-ballistic missile. First Soviet anti-ballistic missile system. Development began in 1956 and the system was tested at Sary Shagan 1960 to 1961. It was clear that enormous development work was needed to achieve an operational anti-ballistic missile system. Therefore work began on the successor A-35 system, although the Americans were led to believe that an operational system was deployed around Moscow. The System A anti-ballistic missile equipped with the V-1000 rocket made the first intercept and destruction in the world using a conventional warhead of an intermediate range ballistic missile warhead coming in at 3 km/s on 4 May 1961. The US did not demonstrate an equivalent capability until 1984. |
| Bold Orion 2 American anti-ballistic missile. Three stage vehicle consisting of 1 x B-47 Stratojet + 1 x Sergeant + 1 x Altair |
| Plato US Army anti-ballistic missile, development started in 1951. Program cancelled in 1959. |
| Nike Zeus A American anti-ballistic missile. Two stage vehicle consisting of 1 x TX-135 + 1 x Zeus A |
| Nike Zeus 3 American anti-ballistic missile. Three stage vehicle consisting of 1 x TX-135 + 1 x TX-238 + 1 x TX-239 |
 | Nike Zeus American anti-ballistic missile. First anti-ballistic missile tested by US. Prototypes were deployed operationally from the mid-Pacific test base as nuclear-tipped ASAT missiles. Cancelled 1966; replaced by the Spartan missile. |
| Bambi American military anti-ballistic missile satellite. Cancelled 1963. BAllistic Missile Boost Intercept ABM system, cancelled May 1963. |
 | A-35 Russian anti-ballistic missile. First operational Soviet ABM system, going into limited operation around Moscow in 1972. |
| A-350Zh Russian anti-ballistic missile. Initial version of the A-35 used in the A-35M system. |
| A-350R Russian anti-ballistic missile. Radiation-hardened version of the A-35 used in the A-35M system. |
 | Taran Russian anti-ballistic missile. Anti-ballistic missile design that was part of the basic capability of the UR-100. Studied in 1962-1964 but abandoned. |
 | Squirt American anti-ballistic test vehicle. |
| Thor DSV-2J American anti-ballistic missile. Single stage vehicle. |
| HIBEX American anti-ballistic missile. Hibex was a 5.2 m long test vehicle used by the Army in a series of research experiments investigating high performance missile boosters. During mid-1960's experimental flights at White Sands, Hibex was fired successfully from underground cells and above-ground launch sites. |
 | Sprint ABM Nuclear-armed point defense anti-ballistic missile, an incredible high-acceleration weapon that would intercept incoming Soviet ICBMs in the atmosphere within 15 seconds of launch. Deployment limited by arms agreements and only 70 were briefly in service in 1975-1976. |
 | Spartan ABM American anti-ballistic missile evolved from the Nike Zeus and designed to intercept ICBM warheads in space. Three stage vehicle consisting of 1 x TX-500 + 1 x TX-454 + 1 x TX-239 solid propellant motors. Nearly as large and just as costly as the missiles it was designed to intercept. After 20 years of development, deployment was limited by arms agreements, and 30 were only briefly in service in 1975-1976. |
| Sentry American anti-ballistic missile. ABM, BTDS missile |
| Safeguard American anti-ballistic missile. Safeguard ABM system consisted of Sprint and Spartan missiles |
 | S-225 Russian anti-ballistic missile. Anti-ballistic missile system developed in parallel with the A-35, but not put into production. |
| LIM-100 Unidentified American experimental silo-launched interceptor missile, probably the Sprint II concept. |
| LIM-99 Unidentified American experimental silo-launched interceptor missile, possibly the Sprint ABM. |
 | LoADS American anti-ballistic missile. Low-Altitude Defense System, BTDS, SDIO/BMDO project |
| A-35M Russian anti-ballistic missile. Improved version of the A-35 with radiation-hardened missiles and command centers, improved radars, and capability against tactical missiles fired from Europe against Moscow. Went into operation in 1978. |
| A-135 Two-tier Russian anti-ballistic missile system for the defense of Moscow, with both endoatmospheric and exoatmospheric interceptor missiles. After protracted development, the system was said to have gone into operation in 1995. |
| 51T6 Russian anti-ballistic missile. Exo-atmospheric interceptor component of A-135 ABM system. |
| 53T6 Russian anti-ballistic missile. Endo-atmospheric interceptor component of A-135 ABM system. |
| HOE American anti-ballistic missile. Two stage vehicle used to test the Homing Overlay Experiment anti-ballistic missile kill vehicle. |
 | ERIS American anti-ballistic missile. Flight test vehicle for Exoatmospheric Re-Entry Interceptor Subsystem, an anti-ballistic missile hit-to-kill interceptor warhead. The ERIS vehicle itself consisted of surplus Minuteman ICBM second and third stages. |
| PAC-3 American anti-ballistic missile. In EMD. PAC-3 version has limited Theater Ballistic Missile Defense capability. |
| HEDI American anti-ballistic missile. Two stage vehicle consisting of 1 x X-265 + 1 x X-271 |
 | Arrow Israeli anti-ballistic missile. The Arrow weapon system was a ground-based, ballistic missile defense system designed to protect Israel against ballistic missiles. |
| Arrow 1 Prototype and initial model Israeli Anti Tactical Ballistic Missile, originally an SDIO/BMDO project. |
 | ERINT American anti-ballistic missile. Extended-Range Interceptor, Patriot improvements, SDIO/BMDO project |
| Terrier LEAP American anti-ballistic missile. Three stage vehicle consisting of 1 x Terrier Mk 70 + 1 x Mk 30 + 1 x ASAS |
 | THAAD American anti-ballistic missile. Theatre High-Altitude Air Defense. SDIO/BMDO project. Single stage vehicle. |
| Arrow 2 Israeli theater missile defense weapon developed and manufactured using substantial American funding. |
 | SM-3 American surface-to-air missile with anti-ballistic missile capability using the LEAP homing vehicle for use by AEGIS naval vessels. Modification for anti-satellite use demonstrated in 2008. |
| BTDS American anti-ballistic missile. SDIO/BMDO project, Baseline Terminal Defense System (ex-LoADS), with Sentry |
| ACES ABM American anti-ballistic missile. SDIO/BMDO project, follow on to Arrow |
 | LEAP American anti-ballistic missile. Lightweight Exo- Atmospheric Projectile. SDIO/BMDO project |
 | GBI American anti-ballistic missile. Suborbital booster for the US Missile Defense Agency's Ground-based Midcourse Defense system's EKV ballistic missile kill vehicle. The basic OBV consisted of the upper three stages and guidance system from the Taurus orbital launch vehicle (essentially a wingless Pegasus-XL). The OBV was launched from an open pad; the operational version was to be silo-launched. |
| GMD/BV-Plus American anti-ballistic missile. Three-stage booster for use with the Missile Defense Agency's Ground-based Midcourse Defense System. Built by Lockheed Martin Corp., the booster was one of two slated for
use with the GMD system. The system was designed to intercept and destroy long-range ballistic missiles. |
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