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Russian communications satellite. Study 1996. Applied Mechanics' Arkos satellite was to have served as the geosynchronous anchor of the Marathon telecommunications network, while the highly elliptical Mayak spacecraft completed the system.
Status: Study 1996.
Arkos spacecraft were specifically designed to service mobile (air, land, and sea) and remote users.
The design of Arkos evolved several times, and the 1994 configuration relied upon the basic MSS-2500 bus (like Gals and Express), but the payload carried a phased-array primary antenna (two of the Mayak-class antennas). The spacecraft was to carry a typical payload of three transponders for INMARSAT-compatible C-band and L-band communications. The full constellation would require five spacecraft positioned at 40 degrees , 90.5 degrees , 145.5 degrees , 200 degrees, and 346.5 degrees E. Arkos was expected to beat its Mayak sister satellite into orbit with a launch sometime in 1996.
Geosynchronous orbit.
Reshetnev bureau.
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