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Astro launch vehicle
Part of RTTOCV

ROOST and Astro
Credit: NASA
American winged orbital launch vehicle. Douglas design of the early 1960's for a two-stage-to-orbit, winged, recoverable vehicle. Two versions were envisioned - a preliminary one the size of a DC-8 and a monster vehicle capable of delivering one million pounds payload to orbit. It was assumed at this scale that LOx/LH2 vehicles could achieve stage propellant mass fractions of 88% to 86%.
AKA: Astro. Status: Study 1963. Payload: 454,500 kg (1,002,000 lb). Height: 270.00 m (880.00 ft). Span: 125.00 m (410.00 ft). Apogee: 325 km (201 mi).
LEO Payload: 454,500 kg (1,002,000 lb) to a 325 km orbit at 28.00 degrees.
orbital launch vehicle,
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 | Astro Credit: NASA |
 | Astro Credit: NASA |
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