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Atlas V Heavy
Part of Atlas V

Atlas Family
From left - MX-774 of 1946; MX-1593 of 1953; Atlas A, B, D; Atlas Agena D; Atlas Centaur; Atlas I, IIA, IIAS, IIIA, IIIB, V
Credit: © Mark Wade
American orbital launch vehicle. Heavy-lift version of the Atlas V launch vehicle system with three parallel 3.8-m-diameter Common Core Boosters (CCB), and a stretched version of the Centaur upper stage (CIII), which could be configured as a single-engine Centaur (SEC) or a dual engine Centaur (DEC), and a 5 m diameter payload fairing. As of 2004 no work had been authorized to build Atlas V Heavy facilities at either Cape Canaveral or Vandenberg AFB.
Status: Design 2003. Payload: 8,600 kg (18,900 lb). Thrust: 11,470.00 kN (2,578,550 lbf). Gross mass: 945,000 kg (2,083,000 lb). Height: 60.00 m (196.00 ft). Diameter: 3.81 m (12.49 ft). Span: 11.50 m (37.70 ft).
Payload: 8,600 kg (18,900 lb) to a earth escape.
orbital launch vehicle.
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