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Boost Glide Re-entry Vehicle

Boost-Glide Re-entry Vehicle
Credit: USAF
American re-entry vehicle technology satellite. The Boost Glide Re-entry Vehicle investigated related technological problems, particularly hypersonic maneuvering after re-entry into the atmosphere.
AKA: BGRV. Status: Operational 1968.
The test was flown on 26 February 1968 from Vandenberg AFB, California to the area of Wake Island in the Pacific Ocean. It was launched from an Atlas missile booster and served to provide much data on hypersonic maneuvering flight characteristics. This data was of great value in developing later maneuvering re-entry vehicles. Upon re-entry into the Earth's atmosphere, flight control was achieved through the use of the aft trim flares and a reaction jet system commanded from an on-board inertial guidance system instead of by aerodynamic controls.
Re-entry vehicle technology satellite,
US Rocketplanes.
Launch Vehicles:
Atlas F.
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