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Chang Zheng 2E(A)
Part of CZ
 CZ-2E(A) Booster CZ-2E(A) launch vehicle that will be used for manned missions. |
Planned upgrade of CZ-2E with enlarged liquid boosters. Probably intended for launch of Chinese space station modules in the 21st century. Fairing was 5.20 m in diameter and 12.39 m long.
AKA: Chang Zheng-2E(A);CZ-2E(A);Long March 2E(A). Status: Design 2000. Payload: 14,100 kg (31,000 lb). Thrust: 8,910.00 kN (2,003,040 lbf). Gross mass: 695,000 kg (1,532,000 lb). Height: 53.60 m (175.80 ft). Diameter: 3.35 m (10.99 ft). Apogee: 200 km (120 mi).
In February 1999 the China Great Wall Company announced that the rocket would be available in 2000 and be launched from the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center in the northwest part of China.
LEO Payload: 14,100 kg (31,000 lb) to a 200 km orbit at 48.00 degrees. Launch Price $: 55.000 million in 1999 dollars.
Stage Data - CZ-2E(A)
- Stage 0. 4 x CZ-2E(A)-0. Gross Mass: 80,000 kg (176,000 lb). Empty Mass: 8,000 kg (17,600 lb). Thrust (vac): 1,632.800 kN (367,068 lbf). Isp: 291 sec. Burn time: 125 sec. Isp(sl): 261 sec. Diameter: 2.25 m (7.38 ft). Span: 2.26 m (7.41 ft). Length: 27.00 m (88.00 ft). Propellants: N2O4/UDMH. No Engines: 2. Engine: YF-20B. Status: In Production.
- Stage 1. 1 x CZ-2E-1. Gross Mass: 196,500 kg (433,200 lb). Empty Mass: 9,500 kg (20,900 lb). Thrust (vac): 3,265.143 kN (734,033 lbf). Isp: 289 sec. Burn time: 166 sec. Isp(sl): 261 sec. Diameter: 3.35 m (10.99 ft). Span: 6.00 m (19.60 ft). Length: 23.70 m (77.70 ft). Propellants: N2O4/UDMH. No Engines: 4. Engine: YF-20B. Other designations: L-180. Status: In Production.
- Stage 2. 1 x CZ-2E-2. Gross Mass: 91,500 kg (201,700 lb). Empty Mass: 5,500 kg (12,100 lb). Thrust (vac): 831.005 kN (186,817 lbf). Isp: 298 sec. Burn time: 295 sec. Isp(sl): 260 sec. Diameter: 3.35 m (10.99 ft). Span: 3.35 m (10.99 ft). Length: 15.52 m (50.91 ft). Propellants: N2O4/UDMH. No Engines: 1. Engine: YF-25/23. Other designations: L-90. Status: In Production.
orbital launch vehicle.
Chinese Space Laboratory.
Photo Gallery
 | Chinese Manned LVs Chinese Launch Vehicles for Manned Projects. From left: Tsien Spaceplane Launcher, 1978; Project 921 Launch Vehicle, 1992; CZ-2F, 1999; CZ-2E(A), 2000. Only the last two were put into full scale development. Credit: © Mark Wade |
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