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Convair Project 7969
Part of Man-In-Space-Soonest
 Project 7969 Designs Project 7969 ballistic designs. From left: Lockheed; Martin; Aeronutronics; Goodyear; McDonnell; Convair Credit: © Mark Wade |
American manned spacecraft. Study 1958. Convair's proposal for the Air Force initial manned space project involved a large-scale manned space station. When pressed, they indicated that a minimum vehicle - a 450 kg, 1.
Status: Study 1958. Gross mass: 450 kg (990 lb). Height: 1.52 m (4.98 ft).
6 m diameter sphere - could be launched by an Atlas within a year.
The spacecraft would be boosted by an Atlas Hustler booster into a 270 km orbit. Deorbit would be accomplished by retrorocket. The spacecraft had a ballistic coefficient (m/CdA) of 250 kg per square meter. It was expected that a first manned orbital flight could be achieved 12 months after a go-ahead.
Manned spacecraft.
Launch Vehicles:
Atlas Agena A.
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