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Delta 4000
Part of Thor
 Delta 4925 Delta 4925-8 no. 196 - COSPAR 1990-051 |
American orbital launch vehicle. The Delta 4000 series used more powerful Castor 4A strap-ons, but the old Extended Long Tank core with MB-3 engine. Only two of these were launched.
Status: Out of production. Payload: 3,400 kg (7,400 lb). Thrust: 3,468.80 kN (779,817 lbf). Gross mass: 200,740 kg (442,550 lb). Height: 34.00 m (111.00 ft). Diameter: 2.44 m (8.00 ft). Apogee: 185 km (114 mi).
LEO Payload: 3,400 kg (7,400 lb) to a 185 km orbit. Payload: 1,200 kg (2,600 lb) to a GTO. Flyaway Unit Cost 1985$: 34.220 million.
Stage Data - Delta 4000
- Stage 0. 9 x Castor 4A. Gross Mass: 11,743 kg (25,888 lb). Empty Mass: 1,529 kg (3,370 lb). Thrust (vac): 478.309 kN (107,528 lbf). Isp: 266 sec. Burn time: 56 sec. Isp(sl): 237 sec. Diameter: 1.02 m (3.34 ft). Span: 1.02 m (3.34 ft). Length: 9.12 m (29.92 ft). Propellants: Solid. No Engines: 1. Engine: Castor 4A. Status: In Production.
- Stage 1. 1 x Delta Thor ELT. Gross Mass: 84,067 kg (185,336 lb). Empty Mass: 4,059 kg (8,948 lb). Thrust (vac): 1,030.208 kN (231,600 lbf). Isp: 296 sec. Burn time: 222 sec. Isp(sl): 262 sec. Diameter: 2.44 m (8.00 ft). Span: 2.44 m (8.00 ft). Length: 22.40 m (73.40 ft). Propellants: Lox/Kerosene. No Engines: 1. Engine: RS-27. Other designations: Extended Length Tank Thor. Status: Out of Production.
- Stage 2. 1 x Delta K. Gross Mass: 6,954 kg (15,330 lb). Empty Mass: 950 kg (2,090 lb). Thrust (vac): 43.630 kN (9,808 lbf). Isp: 319 sec. Burn time: 431 sec. Diameter: 1.70 m (5.50 ft). Span: 2.40 m (7.80 ft). Length: 5.89 m (19.32 ft). Propellants: N2O4/Aerozine-50. No Engines: 1. Engine: AJ10-118K. Status: In Production.
orbital launch vehicle.
HS 376,
Insat 1.
Delta Thor ELT,
Castor 4A engine,
Delta K.
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