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Upon wakeup, FE-1 Yuri Malenchenko terminated his tenth MBI-12 SONOKARD experiment session, started last night, by taking the recording device from his SONOKARD sports shirt pocket and later copying the measurements to the RSE-MED laptop for subsequent downlink to the ground. (SONOKARD objectives are stated to (1) study the feasibility of obtaining the maximum of data through computer processing of records obtained overnight, (2) systematically record the crewmember's physiological functions during sleep, (3) study the feasibility of obtaining real-time crew health data. Investigators believe that contactless acquisition of cardiorespiratory data over the night period could serve as a basis for developing efficient criteria for evaluating and predicting adaptive capability of human body in long-duration space flight.)
Before breakfast, CDR Whitson, FE-1 Malenchenko and FE-2 Eyharts started the day with the periodic session of the Russian biomedical routine assessments PZEh-MO-7/Calf Volume Measurement and PZEh-MO-8/Body Mass Measurement (fourth for CDR & FE-1, first for FE-2), using the IM mass measurement device which Yuri Malenchenko afterwards broke down for stowage. (Calf measurements (left leg only) are taken with the IZOG device, a custom-sewn fabric cuff that fits over the calf, using the knee and lower foot as fixed reference pints, to provide a rough index of deconditioning in zero-G and effectiveness of countermeasures. For determining body mass in zero-G, where things are weightless but not massless, the Russian IM "scales" measure the inertial forces that arise during the oscillatory motion of a mass driven by two helical metering springs with known spring constants. By measuring the time period of each oscillation of the unknown mass (the crewmember) and comparing it to the period of a known mass, the crewmember's mass is calculated by the computer and displayed.) Malenchenko serviced the Russian BMP (Harmful Impurities Removal System), starting the "bake-out" cycle to vacuum on absorbent bed #2 of the regenerable dual-channel filtration system. The regen process will be terminated at ~4:15pm EST. (Regeneration of each of the two cartridges takes about 12 hours and is conducted only during crew awake periods. Filter bed 1 was regenerated yesterday.) The FE-1 also started charging the SONY HRV-Z1J camcorder battery and ~2.5 hrs later terminated the process without dismantling the setup. For today and Sunday (2/24), Peggy Whitson's work schedule includes shooting some 'Life inboard the ISS' footage with the camcorder for use on Russian television. (For today's filming, TsUP-Moscow's suggestion was to film Yuri Malenchenko while working with the Matryoshka radiation detectors and the filling of the Elektron EDV container with US condensate water (see below). Other scenes of interest to TV viewers would include crewmembers washing their faces, brushing their teeth, exercising, cooking meals, conducting science research and servicing life support systems. The downlinking of the recorded footage is scheduled next week (2/26 & 2/27).) CDR Whitson supported FE-2 Eyharts' activities with the ELITE-S2 (Elaboratore Immagini Televisive - Space 2) payload by moving the CEVIS (Cycle Ergometer with Vibration Isolation) out of the field of view of the cameras crucial to of the experiment, which she then set up for capturing Leo's Eyharts' movement protocol. After powering up the IMU (Interface Management Unit) and calibrating the work area for the cameras, the FE-2 had ~1.5 hrs to perform the test operations while Whitson took documentary photographs and later stowed the test camera. (The Italian (ASI) experiment ELITE-S2 is a human motion analysis facility for technological characterization and potential application for multifactorial movement analysis, to study the connection between brain, visualization and motion in micro-G. By recording and analyzing the three-dimensional motion of astronauts, this study should help engineers apply ergonomics into future spacecraft designs and determine the effects of weightlessness on breathing mechanisms for long-duration missions. For each of three planned protocols, a set of body landmarks are identified and reflective markers are applied on the subject who then performs prescheduled movements with the index finger tips then returns to the initial position (for example, the subject has to reach and brush, without exerting forces). The video cameras trace the trajectories of the body parts of the astronaut catching the light reflected by the markers, thus recording the kinetic and trajectory data of the movement.) Yuri Malenchenko set up new Bubble dosimeters for recording radiation traces as an additional component of the RS (Russian Segment) radiation payload suite 'Matryoshka-R' (RBO-3-2), initializing and deploying the detectors. (A total of seven Bubble dosimeter detectors (A01-A08, A05 not used) were initialized in the Bubble dosimeter reader in the Service Module (SM) and positioned at their exposure locations, three near the 'Phantom' unit on the DC1 panel and four in the SM starboard crew cabin on both sides of the MOSFET (metal oxide semiconductor field-effect transistor) dosimeter detector unit. The setup was photo-documented with the NIKON D2X camera and also reported to TsUP via log sheet on the BSR-TM payload channel. The complex Matryoshka payload suite is designed for sophisticated radiation studies. Note: Matryoshka is the name for the traditional Russian set of nested dolls.) The FE-1 spent ~1.5 hrs on the TVIS treadmill for the periodic Russian PZE-MO-3 test for physical fitness evaluation, his second time, using the TVIS in unmotorized (manual control) mode and wearing the Kardiokassette KK-2000 belt with three chest electrodes. (The fitness test, controlled from the RSE-Med laptop, yields ECG (electrocardiogram) readings to the KK-2000 data storage device, later downlinked via the BSR-TM payload telemetry channel. Before the run, the KK-2000 was synchronized with the computer date/time readings. For the ECG, the crewmembers worked out on the treadmill, first walking 3 min. up to 3.5 km/h, then running at a medium pace of 6.5 km/h, followed by the maximum pace not exceeding 10 km/h, then walking again at gradually decreasing pace.) In the COL (Columbus Orbital Laboratory), Leo Eyharts worked on the BLB (Biolab), first deinstalling and removing all hardware items required earlier for BLB and BLB-Incubator commissioning, then installing a new video tape and the hardware for the subsequent operation of the WAICO(Waving and Coiling of Arabidopsis Roots at Different g-levels)experiment, including 1 ATCS (Automatic Temperature Controlled Stowage) unit and 16 seed containers stored in the MELFI (Minus Eighty Degree Laboratory Freezer for the International Space Station) on 2/10. (WAICO, contributed by Leibniz Universität in Hannover, Germany, is a small greenhouse for studying the interaction of circumnutation (the successive bowing or bending in different directions of the growing tip of the stems and roots) and gravitropism (a tendency to grow toward or away from gravity) in microgravity and 1-g of Arabidopsis thaliana (commonly known as thale cress).) In the US Lab, Whitson performed troubleshooting on the CDRA (Carbon Dioxide Removal Assembly), after connecting the regular ITCS LTL (Internal Thermal Control System/Low Temperature Loop) coolant jumper at the LAB1D6 rack for the ground-commanded activation of CDRA later (12:10p-2:00pm). (For the troubleshooting, Peggy first used a fiber optics tool to inspect the AD/DES #2 (Absorbent/Desorbent Bed #2), then removed the TCCS (Trace Contaminant Control Subassembly) and used the ULD (Ultrasonic Leak Detector) to sample and inspect Ad/DES #2.) FE-1 Malenchenko upgraded the Russian laptop RSE1 with a software application from a DVD and the RSS1 laptop that enables it to support a planned ATV (Automated Transfer Vehicle) docking simulation for an upcoming docking OBT (On-Board Training). Using the SKDS CMS (Pressure Control & Atmosphere Monitoring System/Countermeasure System), Yuri took the periodic readings of potentially harmful contaminants in the SM. The hardware was then returned to initial stowage. (The CMS uses preprogrammed microchips to measure Formaldehyde (H2CO, methanal), Carbon Monoxide (CO) and Ammonia (NH3), taking one measurement per microchip.) Peggy gathered measurements for the periodic (weekly) atmospheric status check for ppO2 (Partial Pressure Oxygen) and ppCO2 (pp Carbon Dioxide), using the hand-held CSA-CP (Compound Specific Analyzer-Combustion Products), CSA-O2 (CSA -Oxygen sensor) and CDMK (CO2 Monitoring Kit). Batteries were to be replaced if necessary. (Purpose of the 15-min activity is to trend with MCA (Major Constituents Analyzer), i.e., to correlate the hand-held readings with MCA measurements. CSA-CP sensors (and readings) employed in the SM were #1051 (20.7%) & #1044/prime (20.9%); in Node-1 #1058 (19.6%); and in Node-2 #1045 (20.6%). O2 sensor checks used #1052 (21.5%), #1041 (21.6%). CDMK CO2 level in Lab was 0.43 and in SM ~0.42%.) Malenchenko completed the periodic (about twice a month) replenishing of the Elektron's water supply for electrolysis, filling the KOV thermal loops' EDV container with purified water from CWC (Contingency Water Container, #1043) collected by the US CCAA (Common Cabin Air Assembly). (The 40-minute procedure is specially designed to prevent air bubbles larger than ~10 mm from getting into the BZh Liquid Unit where they could cause Elektron micropump shutdown.) The FE-1 completed the routine servicing of the SOZh system (Environment Control & Life Support System, ECLSS) in the SM. Also, working from the Russian voluntary 'time permitting' task list, the Malenchenko - Performed the periodic downloading of accumulated log files from the Russian BSMM (Payload Matching Unit/computer) to the US OCA for downlink, The crewmembers completed their regular 2.5-hr. physical workout program (about half of which is used for setup & post-exercise personal hygiene) on the CEVIS cycle ergometer (FE-2), TVIS treadmill (CDR, FE-1/MO-3, FE-2), RED resistive exercise device (CDR) and VELO bike with bungee cord load trainer (FE-1). Peggy then transferred the crew's exercise data file to the MEC (Medical Equipment Computer) laptop for downlinking, as well as the daily wristband HRM data of the workouts on RED, followed by their erasure on the HRM storage medium (done six times a week). At ~3:25am EST, the crew held the regular (nominally weekly) tagup with the Russian Flight Control Team (GOGU), including Shift Flight Director (SRP), at TsUP via S-band/audio, phone-patched from Houston and Moscow. At ~8:55am, Peggy, Yuri and Leo conducted their standard bi-weekly teleconference with the JSC Astronaut Office (Steve Lindsey), via S-band S/G-2 audio & phone patch. At ~3:55pm, the crew will have their tenth weekly tagup with the Lead Flight Director at JSC/MCC-H via S-band/audio. (S/G-2 (Space-to-Ground 2) phone patch via SSC-10 (Station Support Computer 10)). MSS Software Transition: MCC-Houston has started the multi-hour transition of onboard computers to the new CDH (Command & Data Handling) software version R5 for the Robotics MSS (Mobile Service System) and SSRMS (Space Station Remote Manipulator System). (The procedure began at ~7:00am on the Prime C&C MDM (Command & Control Multiplexer/Demultiplexer computer), after first deleting the old MSS R3 software. After an initial checkout, ground specialists will tomorrow load a patch (PPL/Prepositioned Load) to all PCS (Portable Computer System) laptops to add the Robotics displays that go with R5, then repeat the file uplinks to the Backup & Standby C&C MDMs as well as the MSD (Mass Storage Device), followed by the remaining patches to the other PCS laptops.) COL Update: Columbus systems continue to operate nominally. WDS Update: An updated Water Delivery System 'cue card' was uplinked for the crew's reference. (The new card (16-0018U) lists 36 CWCs (~1392.5 L total) for the four types of water identified on board: technical water (812.9 L, for Elektron, flushing, hygiene), potable water (559.6 L), condensate water (20 L), waste/EMU dump and other (0 L). Of the 36 containers, nine CWCs with technical water (388.9 L) cannot be used until cleared for Wautersia bacteria, and 10 CWCs with potable water (427 L), transferred from Atlantis, are not cleared for use pending analysis of samples returning on 1E.) CEO photo targets uplinked for today were Northern Temperate Lakes, Wisconsin (looking right or east of ISS track for lakes in this LTER (Long Term Ecological Research) site. The North Temperate Lakes Research program aims to understand the ecology of lakes in relation to relevant atmospheric, geochemical, landscape and human processes. The overarching research question is "How do biophysical setting, climate, and changing land use and cover interact to shape lake characteristics and dynamics over time (past, present, future)?" Documenting land use around the lake as well as lake levels and colors), and West Hawk Impact Crater (looking right or east of ISS orbital track for this Canadian lake formed by an impact crater. West Hawk Lake was formed approximately 351 million years ago. It is 2.4 kilometers in diameter. West Hawk Lake is also the deepest lake in Manitoba (115m).)
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