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FE-1 Kononenko completed the periodic servicing of the active Russian BMP (Harmful Impurities Removal System) by starting the "bake-out" cycle to vacuum on absorbent bed #1 of the regenerable dual-channel filtration system. The regen process will be terminated before sleeptime, at ~4:55pm EDT. Regeneration of bed #2 follows tomorrow. (Regeneration of each of the two cartridges takes about 12 hours and is conducted only during crew awake periods. In order to assist in atmosphere scrubbing after the Freon-218 (Khladon) spill from the SKV-2 air conditioner on 4/24, the BMP's regeneration cycle was moded to 5 days instead of the regular 20 days.) CDR Volkov continued the current outfitting of the FGB with new stowage enclosures delivered by the ATV1 (Automated Transfer Vehicle 1), built in Russia to provide more efficient stowage spaces behind FGB panels and improve airflow/circulation. (Today's outfitting involved two more containers transferred in pieces from ATV stowage and their installation in the FGB zones 26 (panel 416) & 23B (panel 414), with bonding straps used for 23B.)
Later, the FE-1 continued the periodic rearrangement of stowed equipment in the ATV 'Jules Verne' to adjust the location of the vehicle's CG (center-of-gravity) for stable flight control, should its separation become necessary in a contingency. The stowage configuration was to be photographed for ground evaluation. (ATV-1 undocking has now been moved from 8/10 to about 9/5 to allow use of more onboard propellants.) FE-2 Reisman used the electronic Velocicalc instrument to take THC IMV (Temperature & Humidity Control/Intermodule Ventilation) air flow measurements of relative humidity (dew point, wet bulb temp), temperature and velocity (flow rate) of the air from the RS (Russian Segment) BMP inlet to the Lab and on to Node-2. Afterwards, Reisman performed the periodic AAA (Avionics Air Assembly) fan & filter cleaning on the CHeCS (Crew Health Care Systems) rack at LAB1D4 which required powering down & rotating the rack forward and later reversing these steps, using the Velocicalc to check airflow values. Using the RSE1 laptop, the FE-1 continued the extensive test program with the new Russian KPT-2 BAR-RM payload equipment begun on 5/5. (Today's measurements were taken at various locations in the SM & FGB with the AU-1, Kelvin-Video, Iva-6A and TTM-2 instruments to update the list of possible background sources and interferences exceeding expected levels of potential leak signals. The BAR-RM data are being used for experimenting with ISS leak detection based on environmental data anomalies (temperature, humidity, and ultrasound emissions) at possible leak locations, in order to develop a procedure for detecting air leakage from ISS modules. The payload uses a remote infrared thermometer (Kelvin-Video), a thermohygrometer (Iva-6A), a heat-loss anemometer/thermometer (TTM-2), an ultrasound analyzer (AU-1), and a leak detector (UT2-03) to determine physical background signs of loss of ISS pressure integrity which could be indicative of leaks in the working compartments of the station.) Continuing his troubleshooting on the FSL (Fluid Science Laboratory) in the Columbus module, Garrett Reisman performed a checkout on the 'ERNObox' structure for the FSL A31p laptop, checking switch status, proper mating of cables & connectors as well as the correct functioning of status LEDs (Light Emitting Diodes). The FE-2 checked out the SSC-7 A31p laptop #1061 by installing a hard drive from an SSC (Station Support Computer) known to work OK. Afterwards, Garrett had 30 min for reviewing new DOUG (Dynamic Onboard Ubiquitous Graphics) software uplinked for tomorrow's scheduled SSRMS (Space Station Remote Manipulator System) operations. (DOUG is a special application running on the MSS (Mobile Service System) RWS laptops that provides a graphical birdseye-view image of the external station configuration and the SSRMS arm, showing its real-time location and configuration on a laptop during its operation.) Also in preparation for the Robotics activities, Garrett set up the SSRMS videocamera connection by hooking up the UOP DCP (Utility Outlet Panel/Display & Control Panel) power bypass cable at the CUP RWS (Cupola Robotic Work Station). The FE-2 had another 85 min reserved for more hardware gathering and prepacking for return on the Shuttle at the conclusion of the upcoming STS-124-1J/Discovery mission. Sergey Volkov completed the routine maintenance of the SOZh system (Environment Control & Life Support System, ECLSS) in the SM, including ASU toilet facilities systems/replaceables. (Regular daily SOZh maintenance consists of replacement of the KTO & KBO solid waste containers, plus replacement of an EDV-SV waste water and EDV-U urine container, replacement of the KOV EDV at the SKV-2 air conditioner for the Elektron-intended water, and processing U.S. condensate water as it becomes available in a filled CWC from the Lab humidifier.) Later today, Oleg is scheduled for the daily IMS (Inventory Management System) maintenance, updating/editing its standard 'delta file' including stowage locations, for the regular weekly automated export/import to its three databases on the ground (Houston, Moscow, Baikonur). Shortly before sleep time tonight, the CDR will conduct a functionality check of the RS STTS onboard radio communications system on the VHF-2 channel over Russian ground stations. The crew completed their regular 2.5-hr. physical workout program (about half of which is used for setup & post-exercise personal hygiene) on the CEVIS cycle ergometer (CDR), TVIS treadmill (CDR, FE-1, FE-2), RED resistive exerciser (CDR, FE-2) and VELO bike with bungee cord load trainer (CDR, FE-1). Afterwards, Garrett was to download the crew's exercise data file to the MEC (Medical Equipment Computer) for downlink, as well as the daily wristband HRM (Heart Rate Monitor) data of the workouts on RED, followed by their erasure on the HRM storage medium (done six times a week). Working off the Russian 'time permitting' discretionary task list, Oleg performed another special session of the Russian GFI-8 "Uragan" (hurricane) earth-imaging program, using the NIKON D2X to take telephotos of the fresh eruption of the volcano Chaiten on the southern coast of Chile. (More than 4000 people have been evacuated as a result of the volcano's eruption. Only 300 people remain in the town of Chaiten located ~10km away from the volcano. Ash has covered an area within 10,000 km radius of the outbreak.) Also from the task list, Sergey worked on the 'Sigma' BNO (Ballistic & Navigation Support Program) software on two Russian laptops, RSK1 & RSK2 (in DOS), patching it with a newly uplinked update to get the application running again (which computes real-time position of the ISS over the ground). At ~4:40pm, Garrett Reisman is scheduled for his weekly PFC (Private Family Conference) via S-band/audio and Ku-band/MS-NetMeeting application (which displays the uplinked ground video on an SSC laptop), Condensate Processing Update: With the SKV-2 air conditioner currently off due to lack of sufficient Freon-218 (to be resupplied by Progress 29P) and SKV-1 out of service for a long time, the air conditioner's condensate evacuation pumps (NOK) were put into service to support the necessary condensate processing. The setup was tested yesterday, and preliminary indications were that the NOKs operated nominally. The pumps were powered off during crew sleep and were reactivated this morning. CEO (Crew Earth Observations) photo targets uplinked for today were Lake Nasser, Toshka Lakes, Egypt (weather was clear over these man-made lakes, created by overflow from Lake Nasser. Looking to the right of track for opportunities to map the shorelines of the lakes. Collection of frequent repeat imagery of the lakes is useful for tracking fluctuations in water level), Shortgrass Steppe, Colorado (ISS had a nadir pass over this long term ecological research (LTER) site located to the NE of the Rocky Mountains. The major research focus at this site is the effect of grazing on the existing ecosystems; of particular interest is the extent and character of vegetation cover in the area. Overlapping, nadir-viewing frames, taken along track, are being requested), and Volcano Colima, Mexico (weather was predicted to be clear over this active volcano - actually comprised of two eruptive centers, Nevado de Colima and Volcano de Colima. In additional to frequent eruptions from the summit vents, slope failures and debris avalanches are also a hazard associated with both cones. ISS had a nadir pass over this volcanic complex; imagery of the cones and surrounding deposits was requested).
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