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DLB Beacon Lander
Part of Luna Ye-8
 DLB beacon craft Credit: © Mark Wade |
Russian lunar logistics spacecraft. Study 1971. In most Soviet manned lunar landing scenarios, versions of the Ye-8 unmanned landers would precede manned landings on the moon.
Status: Study 1971.
After surveying the planned site, they would remain on the surface and provide a radio beacon that would allow the following LK or LKM manned landers to make a precision landing.
Lunar Landers,
Lunar logistics spacecraft,
DLB Lunar Base.
Launch Vehicles:
Lavochkin bureau.
Photo Gallery
 | Mars Train Elements of Mars Train and Zvezda Lunar Base Support Craft. Credit: © Mark Wade |
 | Mars Train Elements of Mars Train and Zvezda Lunar Base Support Craft. From left: two LK landers; Marsokhod with manipulator arms; Mars Train with reactor, ascent stage, and forward living module; another Marsokhod with manipulator arms. Credit: © Mark Wade |
 | Mars Train Elements of Mars Train and Zvezda Lunar Base Support Craft. From left: two LK landers; Marsokhod with manipulator arms; Mars Train with reactor, ascent stage, and forward living module; another Marsokhod with manipulator arms. Credit: © Mark Wade |
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