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Double Star
 DSP-2 |
Chinese earth magnetosphere satellite. 2 launches, 2003.12.29 (Tan Ce 1) to 2004.07.25 (Tan Ce 2). Double Star was a joint ESA - China project to supplement ESA's Cluster satellites in characterizing the earth's magnetosphere.
Status: Operational 2003. Gross mass: 270 kg (590 lb).
The mission would consist of two 270 kg satellites - an 'equatorial' spacecraft (DSP-1) to be launched from Xichang in June 2003, and a 'polar' spacecraft (DSP-2) to be launched from Taiyuan in January 2004. The satellites would be equipped with European-built instruments in a Chinese spacecraft bus. Initial interface tests on the engineering models of the European instruments took place in April 2002.
Magnetosphere sat.
Launch Vehicles:
Chang Zheng 2C.
Launch Sites:
Xichang LC1.
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