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Earth resources radarsat
Category of spacecraft.
 | Seasat American earth resources radar satellite. Seasat was the first satellite designed for remote sensing of the Earth's oceans with synthetic aperture radar (SAR). Earth Observing Radar satellite built by Lockheed Missiles and Space Co., Ball Space Systems, Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) for NASA, USA. Launched 1978. |
 | Okean-E Ukrainian earth resources radar satellite. First prototype of Okean series. Development of methods for obtaining operational information on the Pacific Ocean. Ocean Observation satellite built by KB Yuzhnoye, Russia. Launched 1979 - 1980. |
 | Okean-OE Ukrainian earth resources radar satellite. Ocean Observation satellite built by KB Yuzhnoye, Russia. Launched 1983 - 1984. |
| Multipurpose Satellite Gals Russian earth resources radar satellite. Study 1983. Heavy radar satellite based on the DOS 17K space station bus and using a KRT-30, a 30 m diameter radio telescope. |
 | Geosat American earth resources radar satellite. Geosat was a US Navy satellite designed to measure sea surface heights to within 5 cm. Altimetry satellite built by Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory (APL) for US Navy, USA. Launched 1985. |
 | Okean-O1 Ukrainian earth resources radar satellite. Third generation Soviet oceanographic research satellite, equipped with a side-looking radar, radiometer, and multi-spectral scanner. Ocean Observation satellite built by KB Yuzhnoye, Russia. Launched 1986 - 1995. |
 | ERS 1-2 European earth resources radar satellite. The primary mission of Europe's ERS-1 and -2 was to perform remote sensing of the Earth's oceans, ice caps, and coastal regions. |
 | Obzor Russian earth resources radar satellite. Study 1992. The Arsenal Design Bureau proposed converting its military ocean reconnaissance spacecraft bus (EORSAT) into a civil remote sensing platform. |
 | Radarsat Canadian earth resources radar satellite. T Canada's Radarsat was a radar satellite featuring variable resolution, and different view angles at a number of preset positions. Earth Observing (Radar) satellite built by Spar Aerospace (Prime), Ball Aerospace (Bus) for CSA, Canada. Launched 1995. Used the BCP-4000 bus. |
 | GFO American earth resources radar satellite. GFO was a follow-on to the successful GEOSAT program which flew between 1985 and 1990. GFO was to provide real-time ocean topography data to 65 Navy users at sea and on shore. Altimetry satellite built by Ball Aerospace for US Navy, USA. Launched 1998. Used the BCP-600 (formerly called Techstar) bus. |
 | Okean-O Ukrainian earth resources radar satellite. Ocean Observation satellite built by KB Yuzhnoye for NKAU, RKA, Russia. Launched 1999. |
 | Envisat European earth resources radar satellite. The European Space Agency's Envisat polar platform was originally envisaged as an automated polar orbiting segment of the Space Station. Earth observation satellite built by Astrium for ESA, Europe. Launched 2002. Used the PPF/SPOT Mk.2 bus. |
 | CryoSat European earth resources radar satellite. CryoSat carried a radar altimeter to acquire accurate measurements of the thickness of floating sea ice so that annual variations could be detected. Radar Altimetry Mission satellite built by Astrium for ESA, Europe. Launched 2005 - 2010. |
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