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Electric/Ammonia propellant. Ammonia is used as the propellant in an electric arcjet motor, where it is heated rather than ionized. It was used as the propellant in the ESEX Arcjet 2.0 N engine, flown in space in 1999.
Specific impulse sea level: 800 s.
Fuel Density: 0.604 g/cc. Fuel Freezing Point: -78 deg C. Fuel Boiling Point: -33 deg C.
 | ARGOS American ion engine technology satellite. ARGOS was the USAF Space Test Program P91-1 technology satellite by Boeing/Seal Beach. Experimental satellite built by Rockwell for USAF STP (Space Test Program), USA. Launched 1999. |
 | ESEX Arcjet Redmond electric/ammonia rocket engine. In Production. Electric Propulsion Space Experiment) program begun 1989 under the then Air Force Astronautics Lab. Flew once in 1999 on board the ARGOS satellite. |
ESEX Arcjet.
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