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Part of Sea Dragon
 Excalibur Credit: Truax Engineering |
American sea-launched orbital launch vehicle. Excalibur was a subscale version of Sea Dragon proposed by Truax Engineering in the 1990's. It featured the same attributes as Sea Dragon: low cost design (pressure fed engines), LOx/Kerosene first stage (combustion chamber pressure 24 atmospheres) and LOx/LH2 second stage (chamber pressure 5 atmospheres). Guidance would be by a combined Inertial/GPS system. An even smaller Excalibur S vehicle would prove the concept and place 500 kg in orbit.
Status: Design 1992. Payload: 55,000 kg (121,000 lb). Gross mass: 2,366,500 kg (5,217,200 lb). Height: 120.00 m (390.00 ft). Diameter: 10.67 m (35.00 ft). Apogee: 230 km (140 mi).
LEO Payload: 55,000 kg (121,000 lb) to a 230 km orbit at 90.00 degrees.
orbital launch vehicle,
Launch Vehicles:
Excalibur Target System.
Launch Sites:
Fort Bliss MCG.
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