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Fast Solutions Phase I
Part of Suborbital Cabin

Korolev Suborbital M
East German drawing of designs for said to be considered for a Soviet suborbital manned spacecraft. OKB-1 considered such a spacecraft in 1956, but it was decided to go directly to the orbital Vostok design. The East German drawings seem to correspond to a rocket of about 2.8 m diameter (such as the R-7 or R-9 ICBM's) while the 1956 Korolev designs were for the 1.65 m diameter R-5A rocket. From left to right: A - Parachute recoverable design; B - Alternate parachute recovery design; C - Ballute recoverable design; D - Helicopter blade recoverable design; E - Winged recoverable design.
In 1956 Korolev drafted a plan for 'Fast Solutions for the Conquest of Space'. Phase I of the plan involved ballistic manned sub-orbital flights aboard an R-5A single-stage IRBM. Although R-5A tests with dogs began in 1958, manned flights on the R-5A were not taken to the flight stage (despite rumors in 1959 of cosmonaut deaths in suborbital flights). Korolev decided to move directly to manned orbital flights using the Vostok spacecraft and R-7 booster.
Launched: In 1959.
Manned spaceflight.
Suborbital Cabin.
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