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Part of DFH-3
 DFH-3 Credit: via Chen Lan |
Chinese military communications satellite. 2 launches, 2000.01.25 (Zhongxing-22) to 2006.09.12 (Zhongxing 22A). In May 1999 Aviation Week reported that a new communication satellite, Fenghuo-1 (FH-1), would be launched by a CZ-3A by the end of 1999. Communication satellite built by CAST for People's Liberation Army (PLA), China. Launched 2000 - 2006. Used the
DFH-3 Bus bus.
Status: Operational 2000. First Launch: 2000-01-25. Last Launch: 2006-09-12. Number: 2 . Gross mass: 2,200 kg (4,800 lb).
The Chinese name Fenghuo (the messaging system used by the ancient Chinese army on the Great Wall) suggested it probably would have a military mission. It was believed that technology gained from the European-Chinese Sinosat project was used to develop the new military communications satellite. A constellation of these satellites were planned to form a command-and-control network designed to link Chinese combat forces. Deployment of the new constellation began with Zhongxing 22 in January 2000. Structurally the satellite was believed to based on the DFH-3 bus.
More at: FH-1.
Military communications sat.
Launch Vehicles:
Chang Zheng 3A.
Launch Sites:
Xichang LC2.
Photo Gallery
 | Zhongxing-22 Credit: Manufacturer Image |
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