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Flight Telerobotic Servicer

FRS Martin 1989
Flight Robotic Servicer. NASA decided to develop a $288-million Flight Telerobotic Servicer in 1987 after Congress voiced concern about American competitiveness in the field of robotics.
Credit: NASA via Marcus Lindroos
American logistics spacecraft. Study 1987. NASA decided to develop a $288-million Flight Telerobotic Servicer in 1987 after Congress voiced concern about American competitiveness in the field of robotics.
Status: Study 1987.
The FTS would also help astronauts assemble the Space Station, which was growing bigger and more complex with each redesign.
Martin Marietta and Grumman received $1.5-million study contracts in November 1987. Martin Marietta received a $297-million contract in May 1989 to develop a vehicle by 1993. The Bush Administration briefly tried to commercialize the FTS project in early 1989. The contractors objected since the FTS had no commercial customers. The FTS was then combined with the Orbital Maneuvering Vehicle into the Robotic Satellite Servicer concept.
Article by Marcus Lindroos
Logistics spacecraft,
USA - Space Stations.
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 | FRS 1989 Flight Robotic Servicer Credit: NASA via Marcus Lindroos |
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