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GOX/Alcohol propellant. Gaseous oxygen used with alcohol as a non-toxic combination for manned spacecraft orientation. Glushko conducted tests of a small GOX/Alcohol thruster in the 1980's, and it was considered again for the CEV/Orion American capsule in the 2000's.
Oxidizer Freezing Point: -219 deg C. Oxidizer Boiling Point: -183 deg C. Fuel Density: 0.870 g/cc. Fuel Freezing Point: -114 deg C. Fuel Boiling Point: 78 deg C.
 | CEV CM American manned spacecraft module. Study 2006. |
| RDMT-2600 NII Mash GOX/Alcohol rocket engine. Developed 1980's. Experimental low-thrust thruster. |
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