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ISS Space Station Remote Manipulator System
Part of ISS

Canadian RMS 1989
Canadian Remote Manipulator System. The redesigned "Canadian Mobile Servicing Center" would be used to dock the Shuttle and, possibly, payloads launched on expendable launchers to the Station.
Credit: NASA via Marcus Lindroos
Canadian manned space station module. One launch, 2001.02.07. When the Space Station plan was changed in 1987, its satellite servicing element was postponed indefinitely.
Status: Operational 2001.
The Canadian robotic arm was now necessary for assembling the Station itself, since the Shuttle's existing 'Canadarm' manipulator only could handle 29.5t loads. The redesigned 'Canadian Mobile Servicing Center' would be used to dock the Shuttle and, possibly, payloads launched on expendable launchers to the Station.
The 1987 Space Station redesign greatly increased the importance of the Canadian contribution to the international project. Canada joined the project in March 1985 and initially proposed an 'Integrated Servicing and Test Facility' that would have consisted of two robotic arms plus satellite repair facilities.
The US was originally to provide a movable platform for the MSC, but this was cancelled in 1988 for budgetary reasons. The 1993 International Space Station redesign delayed the launch of the Space Station Remote Manipulator System (as it now was called) by at least four years, but the SSRMS remained a crucial part of ISS. In 1994, the Canadians considered canceling the project despite already having spent $500 million on it. The fate of the SSRMS' $150-million robotic 'hand', or Special Multipurpose Dexterous Manipulator, was unclear until April 1997 when the Canadian government announced it would be developed after all. The total cost of the project would be $1 billion.
Article by Marcus Lindroos
Space station module,
USA - Space Stations.
Photo Gallery
 | Canadian RMS 1984 Canadian Remote Manipulator System. This illustration from 1985 shows the Solar Max satellite undergoing servicing at the "Power Tower" Space Station's Integrated Servicing and Test Facility. Credit: NASA via Marcus Lindroos |
 | Canadian RMS Canadian Remote Manipulator System. This illustration shows the launch of the first Space Station "Freedom" element, including the Canadian Mobile Servicing Center. The US was originally to provide a movable platform for the MSC, but this was cancelled in 1988 for budgetary reasons. Credit: NASA via Marcus Lindroos |
 | Canadian RMS 1984 Canadian Remote Manipulator System. Credit: NASA via Marcus Lindroos |
 | Canadian RMS 1994 Canadian Remote Manipulator System. The 1993 International Space Station redesign delayed the launch of the Space Station Remote Manipulator System (as it now was called) by at least four years, but the SSRMS remains a crucial part of ISS Credit: NASA via Marcus Lindroos |
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