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ISS Space Telescope
Part of ISS

ISS Space Telescope
ISS Space Telescope, 1996. Depicted here is a space telescope capable of detecting planets orbiting around nearby stars. It would be serviced by International Space Station astronauts.
Credit: NASA via Marcus Lindroos
American visible astronomy satellite. Study 1988. The Space Station's free-flying unmanned platforms were all deleted in 1987-90 to compensate for the budget cuts. However, some of them may yet be reintroduced in the 21st century.
Status: Study 1988.
One possibility was a space telescope capable of detecting planets orbiting around nearby stars. It would be serviced by International Space Station astronauts. The early 1984 Space Station plan briefly featured a similar 'Astro' platform.
Article by Marcus Lindroos
USA - Space Stations,
Visible astronomy satellite.
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