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LM Langley Light
Part of Apollo LM
 Langley 4,372 kg LM Langley 4,372 kg lunar lander Credit: © Mark Wade |
American manned lunar lander. Study 1961. This early open-cab single-crew Langley lunar lander design used storable propellants, resulting in an all-up mass of 4,372 kg.
Status: Study 1961. Payload: 150 kg (330 lb). Gross mass: 4,372 kg (9,638 lb). Unfuelled mass: 872 kg (1,922 lb). Specific impulse: 311 s. Height: 2.60 m (8.50 ft).
Earliest lunar orbit rendezvous schemes involved use of one or more extremely lightweight, unpressurized lunar landers to take a single astronaut to the lunar service. Others using cryogenic propellants were as low as 1,460 kg - to be compared with the 15,000 kg / 2 man design that eventually was selected. Propellant load estimated.
Crew Size: 1.
Lunar Landers,
Gemini LOR.
NASA Langley.
Photo Gallery
 | LM Langley Credit: © Mark Wade |
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