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 RD-701 Credit: © Mark Wade |
Lox/Kerosene/LH2 propellant. Tripropellant motors use high-density kerosene for the boost phase, then low-density, high-performance liquid hydrogen for the later stages of ascent. However the propellants are stored in separate tanks. The fuel density indicated is the average for the MAKS design, which burned 17,850 kg LH2 and 18,698 Kerosene to reach orbit using 175,758 kg of liquid oxygen oxidizer.
Specific impulse: 440 s.
Optimum Oxidizer to Fuel Ratio: 4.8. Density: 0.50 g/cc. Fuel Density: 0.133 g/cc. Fuel Freezing Point: -259 deg C. Fuel Boiling Point: -253 deg C.
Figures indicated are average for RD-701 Tripropellant engine.
| MAKS Orbiter LOx/Kerosene/LH2 propellant rocket stage. Empty mass without 9300 kg payload. |
| MAKS Tank LOx/Kerosene/LH2 rocket stage. Mass 248,100 kg (546,967 lb). |
MAKS Tank,
MAKS Orbiter.
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