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Lox/Solid propellant. used in a hybrid rockets. Mixed liquid/solid propulsion systems offer the potential for the storability of a solid rocket, the safety and throttleability of a liquid rocket, and lower cost than either. Believers experimented throughout the last half of the 20th Century, but it only after the year 2000 that such systems went into production. Solid fuel for hybrids are in the form of a rubbery matrix. HTPB is most commonly used.
Oxidizer Density: 1.140 g/cc. Oxidizer Freezing Point: -219 deg C. Oxidizer Boiling Point: -183 deg C. Fuel Density: 1.350 g/cc.
 | Dolphin American sea-launched test vehicle. The Dolphin hybrid rocket (solid fuel and liquid oxygen oxidizer) was built by Starstruck (formerly ARC Technology), a predecessor to AMROC. The Dolphin included not only innovative propulsion technology but was also launched from a floating launch canister at sea. One test article of the hybrid was successfully launched in the summer of 1984. But the project was backed entirely with private funds and when backing for further development was not forthcoming, the project folded. |
| Falcon SLV-1 Michoud LOx/Solid hybrid rocket engine. First stage. Study 2005. Part of the USAF FALCON program to assess hybrid propulsion applications for a responsive small launch vehicle. |
| Falcon SLV-2 Michoud hybrid rocket LOx/Solid engine. Upper stages. Study 2005. Part of the USAF FALCON program to assess hybrid propulsion applications for a responsive small launch vehicle. |
| H1500 Notional LOx/Solid hybrid rocket engine. Design 1988. Used on Industrial Launch Vehicle launch vehicle. |
| HTR Nammo LOx/Solid hybrid rocket engine. |
| HYSR-1 LOx/Solid propellant rocket stage. Thrust 270.00 kN. |
Falcon SLV-1,
Falcon SLV-2,
Launch Vehicles:
AMROC Aquila,
Hybrid Test Rocket-1.
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