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Aerojet N2O4/Aerozine-50 rocket engine family for the Titan booster stage. The Aerojet LR87 was the only engine known in the world that was operated (with modifications) using all three major propellant combinations: kerosene RP-1 and liquid oxygen; storable hydrazine and nitrogen tetroxide; and liquid hydrogen and liquid oxygen.
The engine was tested with less success using nitrogen tetroxide and a gelled aluminized version of Aerozine-50. Some studies and development work were done on a fluorine/hydrogen version of the engine.
 | LR87-3 Aerojet LOx/Kerosene rocket engine. Titan 1 booster engine. Surplus Flight Engines were available for various uses in the 1960's. First flight 1959. |
 | LR87 LH2 Aerojet LOx/LH2 rocket engine. Development ended 1961. Version of the Titan engine, and first large LOx/LH2 engine fired in the world. 52 static tests. But NASA selected Rocketdyne instead to develop the J-2 engine for Saturn from scratch. |
| LR87-7 Aerojet N2O4/Aerozine-50 rocket engine. Study 1961. Version of LR-87-5 used on Gemini Titan 2 launch vehicle. Proposed for unflown Titan 3L2, Titan 3L4 boosters. First flight 1962. |
| LR87plus Aerojet N2O4/Aerozine-50 rocket engine. Study 1965. Nominal improved LR87 in booster studies. Used on Martin Astrorocket launch vehicle. |
| LR87-11 AJ23-138 Aerojet N2O4/Aerozine-50 rocket engine. Version of LR-87-11 tuned for launch pad ignition when used on Titan 3B. First flight 1966. |
| LR87-9 Aerojet N2O4/Aerozine-50 rocket engine. Variant of LR-87 used on early versions of Titan III B,C First flight 1966. |
| LR87-11 Aerojet N2O4/Aerozine-50 rocket engine. Out of production. Powered Titan 3 and 4 first stages. Replaced the -9 model, first flown 1968. First flight 1964. |
| LR87-5 Aerojet N2O4/Aerozine-50 rocket engine. Out of Production. Used on Titan 2 launch vehicle. Engines refurbished for space launcher versions from decommissioned missiles between 1974-1982. |
| LR87 Alumizine Aerojet N2O4/Alumizine rocket engine. 1960's USAF development effort for a Titan storable engine using a metallized fuel (for greater impulse density) and gelled propellants (to facilitate in-space starts after a period of coasting). |
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