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Lunar Orbit OPS
Part of Almaz

Lunar Orbit OPS
Credit: © Mark Wade
Russian manned lunar orbiter. In Chelomei's 1968 draft project for the UR-700, he proposed that versions of the Almaz OPS be placed in lunar orbit to conduct detailed reconnaissance of the surface using manned assistance.
Status: Design 1968. Gross mass: 37,000 kg (81,000 lb). Height: 11.50 m (37.70 ft).
The OPS would also be used as a command post to co-ordinate the work of lunar surface operations and organize rescues in the case of emergencies on the surface. The UR-700 could place a station of 37,080 kg into lunar orbit - sufficient for a complete OPS, an LK-700 return spacecraft, and many metric tons of additional payload.
Crew Size: 2.
Lunar Orbiters.
Launch Vehicles:
Chelomei bureau.
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