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Part of Mars Rovers
 Marsokhod Nuclear powered crewed Mars Train rover (with ascent stage to orbit in centre). Credit: Andy Salmon |
Russian manned Mars rover. Study 1961. Surface transports were part of all Soviet Mars expeditions.
Status: Study 1961. Gross mass: 8,000 kg (17,600 lb).
The earliest concepts had multiple articulated tracks. The elaborate Mars Train used wheeled vehicles equipped with manipulator arms so that extended surface operations could be undertaken in shirtsleeve comfort. Later Marsokhods were more austere, providing limited mobility around the landing site on short 30-day or 7-day sojourns on the surface.
Crew Size: 3.
Mars rover.
Barmin bureau.
Photo Gallery
 | Marsokhod Painting of an early Marsokhod design from ca. 1959. Credit: Gleb V. Aleksushin |
 | Mars Train Elements of Mars Train and Zvezda Lunar Base Support Craft. From left: two LK landers; Marsokhod with manipulator arms; Mars Train with reactor, ascent stage, and forward living module; another Marsokhod with manipulator arms. Credit: © Mark Wade |
 | EA Lander EA Lander on Mars. Note the cylindrical air lock that has deployed from the belly, the landing legs, the aerodynamic surfaces on the tail, and the small Marsokhod rover on the surface. Credit: RKK Energia |
 | Mars Train Elements of Mars Train and Zvezda Lunar Base Support Craft. From left: two LK landers; Marsokhod with manipulator arms; Mars Train with reactor, ascent stage, and forward living module; another Marsokhod with manipulator arms. Credit: © Mark Wade |
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