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Part of LR79
 MB-1/MB-3 Credit: © Mark Wade |
Rocketdyne LOx/Kerosene rocket engine. Out of production. Designed for booster applications. Gas generator, pump-fed. Boosted Delta A, B, C, Thor Able-Star. First flight 1960.
AKA: MB-3. Status: Out of production. Date: 1957. Number: 43 . Thrust: 760.60 kN (170,990 lbf). Unfuelled mass: 643 kg (1,417 lb). Specific impulse: 285 s. Specific impulse sea level: 250 s. Burn time: 164 s. Diameter: 2.44 m (8.00 ft).
Thrust (sl): 667.200 kN (149,993 lbf). Thrust (sl): 68,039 kgf. Engine: 643 kg (1,417 lb). Chamber Pressure: 40.00 bar. Area Ratio: 8. Propellant Formulation: Lox/RP-1. Thrust to Weight Ratio: 120.628304821151. Coefficient of Thrust vacuum: 1.39705131752785. Coefficient of Thrust sea level: 1.19705131752785.
Launch Vehicles:
Thor Delta A,
Thor Ablestar,
Thor Delta B,
Delta C.
Thor DM-21.
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