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Military surveillance radarsat
Category of spacecraft.
 | SAR-Lupe German military surveillance radar satellite. Germany's first satellite-based radar reconnaissance system. It consisted of five identical small satellites and a ground segment. Reconnaissance, Radar satellite built by OHB-System GmbH for Bundeswehr, Germany. Launched 2006 - 2008. |
 | Cosmo-SkyMed Italian military surveillance radar satellite. Constellation of four satellites launched 2007.06.08 - 2010.11.06. Earth Observing (Radar) satellite built by Alenia Spazio for ASI, Italy. Launched 2007 - 2010. Used the Prima Bus bus. |
 | Tecsar Israeli military surveillance radar satellite. Israeli military radar/optical surveillance satellite using synthetic aperture x-band radar, with estimated 10 cm radar and 1 m optical ground resolution. |
 | IMS Indian military surveillance radar satellite. Indian Mini Satellite, a small imaging satellite. |
 | KKS Japanese picosatellite built by Kouku-kosen, the Tokyo Metropolitan College of Aeronautical Engineering, carrying an Earth imager. |
 | PRISM Japanese military surveillance radar satellite. Remote sensing picosatellite built by the University of Tokyo, with a 10-cm aperture Earth imager on a 1-meter deployable boom. Technology satellite for ISSL (Intelligent Space Systems Laboratory) at the University of Tokyo (UT), Japan. Launched 2009. |
 | SOHLA Japanese military surveillance radar satellite. Satellite built by the Space Oriented Higashi-osaka Leading Association, Osaka, carrying a cloud cover imager. |
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