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Mini Space Station
 Mini Space Station Credit: EADS |
European manned space station. Potential European independent space station consisting of two docked ATV's with additional life support systems.
Status: Study 2000. Gross mass: 38,000 kg (83,000 lb). Height: 22.00 m (72.00 ft). Diameter: 4.45 m (14.59 ft). Span: 22.30 m (73.10 ft).
In the event of abandonment of the ISS by the Americans, the ATV could be used to put together a European Mini Space Station. Two ATV spacecraft could be equipped with two docking mechanisms, one in front and one at the back, in such manner as they could mate like the carriages of a train.
Crew Size: 3. Habitable Volume: 96.00 m3.
Space station.
Launch Vehicles:
Ariane 5.
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