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Part of N1
 N-III 1962 |
Russian heavy-lift orbital launch vehicle. It was originally planned the N1 would form the basis of a family of launch vehicles that could replace existing ICBM-derived boosters. The N111 would use the third and fourth stages of the N1, and the second stage of Korolev's R-9 ICBM. This would result in a lift-off mass of 200 metric tons and a five metric ton payload. It could replace the R-7 derived boosters (Vostok and Soyuz) in this payload category.
AKA: 11A54;11K54. Status: Study 1962. Payload: 5,000 kg (11,000 lb). Thrust: 2,325.50 kN (522,793 lbf). Gross mass: 215,900 kg (475,900 lb). Height: 33.00 m (108.00 ft). Diameter: 4.80 m (15.70 ft). Apogee: 300 km (180 mi).
LEO Payload: 5,000 kg (11,000 lb) to a 300 km orbit at 51.60 degrees.
Stage Data - N-111
- Stage 1. 1 x N-111 - A. Gross Mass: 192,000 kg (423,000 lb). Empty Mass: 20,000 kg (44,000 lb). Thrust (vac): 2,540.000 kN (571,010 lbf). Isp: 331 sec. Burn time: 216 sec. Isp(sl): 296 sec. Diameter: 4.80 m (15.70 ft). Span: 6.80 m (22.30 ft). Length: 12.00 m (39.00 ft). Propellants: Lox/Kerosene. No Engines: 12. Engine: NK-19. Status: Study 1963. Comments: Variant of N1 Block V for first stage use. Number of engines would have to be increased and reduced expansion ratio nozzles fitted for sea level use. Least attractive of N1 variants and seems not to have been pursued after draft project.
- Stage 2. 1 x N-11GR - V. Gross Mass: 8,200 kg (18,000 lb). Empty Mass: 1,700 kg (3,700 lb). Thrust (vac): 88.200 kN (19,828 lbf). Isp: 346 sec. Burn time: 246 sec. Diameter: 2.40 m (7.80 ft). Span: 2.40 m (7.80 ft). Length: 5.00 m (16.40 ft). Propellants: Lox/Kerosene. No Engines: 1. Engine: 8D726. Status: Study 1963. Comments: Orbital MIRV stage. Six of these stages clustered around Block B; each stage would have had a 1500 kg nuclear warhead.
orbital launch vehicle.
N-11GR - V.
Korolev bureau.
Photo Gallery
 | N1 Variants N1 Launch Vehicle Family Credit: © Mark Wade |
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