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NASA-10 astronaut group, 1984
Part of Astronaut Selection Groups
Requirement: pilot, engineer, and scientist astronauts for space shuttle flights. Nickname: The Maggots. Named by Bill Shepherd, who dubbed them in their earliest group training in aircraft survival school, a term familiar to graduates of USMC boot camp.
AKA: Maggots. Date: 1984.
More at: NASA-10 astronaut group, 1984.
 | Casper American test pilot astronaut 1984-1997. Grew up in Gainesville, Georgia, son of an Air Force officer. Flew 229 combat missions in Vietnam. |
 | McCulley American test pilot astronaut 1984-1990. |
 | Veach American engineer mission specialist astronaut 1984-1995. Grew up in Honolulu, Hawaii. Died of cancer. |
 | Adamson American test pilot mission specialist astronaut 1984-1992. US Army |
 | Carter American physician mission specialist astronaut 1984-1991. Grew up in Warner Robins, Georgia. Died in the crash of a commercial airliner while on NASA business travel. |
 | Culbertson American test pilot astronaut 1984-2002. |
 | Shepherd American engineer mission specialist astronaut 1984-2002. Shepherd was an ex-Navy SEAL and an expert in underwater demolition. |
 | Cameron American test pilot astronaut 1984-1996. US Marine Corps |
 | Ivins American engineer mission specialist astronaut 1984-2010. NASA flight engineer. |
 | Gutierrez American test pilot astronaut 1984-1994. Some data removed at subject's request. |
 | Brown, Mark American engineer mission specialist astronaut 1984-1993. |
 | Hammond American test pilot astronaut 1984-1998. |
 | Lee American engineer mission specialist astronaut 1984-2001. Was married to astronaut Jan Davis, part of first married couple to fly in space together. |
 | Thornton American physicist mission specialist astronaut 1984-1996. |
 | Wetherbee American test pilot astronaut 1984-2005. Flew in space six times. |
 | Baker American physician mission specialist astronaut 1984-2012. Physician. |
 | Low American engineer mission specialist astronaut 1984-1996. Son of former NASA administrator George M Low. |
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