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NASA-15 astronaut group, 1995
Part of Astronaut Selection Groups
Requirement: pilot, engineer, and scientist astronauts for space shuttle flights. Nickname: The Flying Escargot. Originally dubbed the 'snails' by the Hogs, because they were supposed to be the class of 1994, but the announcement was delayed a year;. They renamed themselves with the better-sounding French equivalent.
AKA: Flying Escargot. Date: 1995.
More at: NASA-15 astronaut group, 1995.
 | Chretien French test pilot mission specialist astronaut 1980-2001. First French astronaut. Trained for missions under both US and Russian programs. |
 | Tognini French test pilot mission specialist astronaut 1985-2003. Trained for missions under both US and Russian programs. |
 | Reilly American geologist mission specialist astronaut 1994-2008. |
 | Williams, Dave Canadian physician mission specialist astronaut 1992-2008. |
 | Ashby American test pilot astronaut 1994-2008. Grew up near Evergreen, Colorado. Flew 33 combat missions in Operation Desert Storm. |
 | Doi Japanese engineer mission specialist astronaut 1985-2009. |
 | Robinson American engineer mission specialist astronaut 1994-2012. |
 | Gorie American test pilot astronaut 1994-2010. Flew 38 combat missions over Iraq. |
 | Husband American test pilot astronaut 1994-2003. Perished in Columbia shuttle disintegration during re-entry. |
 | Edwards, Joe American test pilot astronaut 1994-2000. Grew up in Lineville and Roanoke, Alabama. Flew combat missions over Lebanon in 1983 |
 | Bloomfield American test pilot astronaut 1994-2007. Grew up in Lake Fenton, Michigan. |
 | Kavandi American chemist mission specialist astronaut 1994-2005. Chemist. |
 | Altman American test pilot astronaut 1994-2010. |
 | Hire American engineer mission specialist astronaut 1994-2010. US Navy aviator; first woman assigned to a combat aircrew. |
 | Noriega American computer scientist mission specialist astronaut 1994-2005. Grew up in Santa Clara, California. |
 | Anderson American physicist mission specialist astronaut 1994-2003. Perished in Columbia shuttle disintegration during re-entry. |
 | Lindsey American test pilot astronaut 1994-2011. Grew up in Temple City, California. |
 | Chawla Indian-American engineer mission specialist astronaut 1994-2003. She perished with the rest of the crew of the shuttle Columbia on 1 February 2003. |
 | Sturckow American test pilot astronaut 1994-2013. Grew up in Lakeside, California. US Marine Corps. Flew 41 combat missions in Operation Desert Storm. |
 | Melroy American test pilot astronaut 1994-2009. Grew up in Pittsford, New York. US Air Force test pilot. |
 | Kilrain American test pilot astronaut 1994-2002. US Navy test pilot. |
 | Curbeam American test pilot mission specialist astronaut 1994-2007. |
 | Lu American engineer mission specialist astronaut 1994-2007. |
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