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NASA-19 astronaut group, 2004
Part of Astronaut Selection Groups
Requirement: pilot and mission specialists for post-ISS spaceflights to the moon and beyond
Date: 2004.
More at: NASA-19 astronaut group, 2004.
 | Marshburn American physician mission specialist astronaut 2004-on. |
 | Hernandez American engineer mission specialist astronaut, 2004-2011. |
 | Arnold, Ricky American teacher mission specialist astronaut, 2004-on. |
 | Furukawa Japanese physician mission specialist astronaut 1999-on. |
 | Walker, Shannon American astrophysicist mission specialist astronaut, 2004-on. |
 | Satcher American chemical engineer mission specialist astronaut, 2004-2011. |
 | Acaba American geologist mission specialist astronaut 2004-on. |
 | Kimbrough American engineer mission specialist astronaut 2004-on. US Army |
 | Bresnik American test pilot astronaut, 2004-on. |
 | Dutton American test pilot astronaut 2004-2012. Flew combat air patrols over Northern Iraq during the 1990s. |
 | Hoshide Japanese engineer mission specialist astronaut 1999-on. Underwent cosmonaut training in Russia, then astronaut training in USA. |
 | Cassidy American engineer mission specialist astronaut 2004-on. |
 | Yamazaki Japanese engineer mission specialist astronaut 1999-2011. Underwent cosmonaut training in Russia, then Astronaut training in USA. NASDA |
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