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NASA-20 astronaut group, 2009
Part of Astronaut Selection Groups
Requirement: pilot and mission specialists for post-ISS spaceflights to the moon and beyond. Nickname: The Chumps (unexplained; originally the Chimps, but perhaps the Chumps based on the unlikelihood they will ever fly in space).
Date: 2009.
More at: NASA-20 astronaut group, 2009.
 | Aunon American physician mission specialist astronaut, 2009-on. |
 | Epps American scientist mission specialist astronaut, 2009-on. |
 | Fischer American test pilot astronaut, 2009-2018. |
 | Hopkins American scientist mission specialist astronaut, 2009-on. |
 | Kanai Japanese physician mission specialist astronaut, 2009-on. |
 | Lindgren American physician mission specialist astronaut, 2009-on. |
 | Onishi Japanese pilot mission specialist astronaut, 2009-on. |
 | Rubins American scientist mission specialist astronaut, 2009-on. |
 | Saint-Jacques Canadian physicist mission specialist astronaut, 2009-on. |
 | Tingle American test pilot astronaut, 2009-on. |
 | Vande Hei American scientist mission specialist astronaut, 2009-on. |
 | Wiseman American test pilot astronaut, 2009-on. |
 | Hansen American engineer, aerospace manager who played key roles in development of the Thor and Centaur rockets. |
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