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NASA-8 astronaut group, 1978
Part of Astronaut Selection Groups
Requirement: pilot, engineer, and scientist astronauts for space shuttle flights. Recruit women and minorities to introduce diversity into the astronaut corps. Nickname: TFNG - Thirty-Five New Guys, also an obscene military phrase.
AKA: TFNG. Date: 1978.
More at: NASA-8 astronaut group, 1978.
 | Fabian American engineer mission specialist astronaut 1978-1985. |
 | Scobee American test pilot astronaut 1978-1986. Died in Challenger accident. |
 | Griggs American test pilot mission specialist astronaut 1978-1989. Died in the crash of a World-War-II-era training plane. |
 | Gregory American test pilot astronaut 1978-1993. Flew 550 combat missions in Vietnam. USAF helicopter pilot who would fly his T-38 trainer at alarmingly low altitude during cross-country trips. Paradoxically later appointed NASA Administrator for Safety. |
 | Hauck American test pilot astronaut 1978-1989. Flew 114 combat missions in Vietnam. |
 | Bluford American engineer mission specialist astronaut 1978-1993. First African-American in space. Flew 144 combat missions in Vietnam. |
 | Lucid American biochemist mission specialist astronaut 1978-2012. Biochemist, first American woman to make a long-duration space station mission. |
 | Brandenstein American test pilot astronaut 1978-1992. Flew 192 combat missions in Vietnam. |
 | Creighton American test pilot astronaut 1978-1992. Grew up in Seattle, Washington. Flew 175 combat missions in Vietnam. Bachelor navy fighter pilot with a midnight blue corvette and a ski boat dubbed Sin Ship. |
 | Thagard American physician mission specialist astronaut 1978-1996. First American to fly aboard a Russian spacecraft. Grew up in Jacksonville, Florida. |
 | McBride American test pilot astronaut 1978-1989. Heavyset Navy pilot with a talent for playing to a crowd. Flew 64 combat missions in Vietnam. Later ran in, but lost, the Republican primary for governor of West Virginia. |
 | Walker, Dave American test pilot astronaut 1978-1996. Navy nickname Red Flash, a confident pilot. |
 | van Hoften American engineer mission specialist astronaut 1978-1986. Grew up in Burlingame, California. |
 | Shriver American test pilot astronaut 1978-1993. Grew up in Paton, Iowa. |
 | Hoffman American astrophysicist mission specialist astronaut 1978-1997. |
 | Shaw American test pilot astronaut 1978-1989. |
 | Buchli American test pilot mission specialist astronaut 1978-1992. Grew up in Fargo, North Dakota. |
 | Mullane American test engineer mission specialist astronaut 1978-1990. Author of the frankest astronaut biography ever published. Flew 150 combat missions in Vietnam. |
 | Coats American test pilot astronaut 1978-1991. Flew 315 combat missions in Vietnam. |
 | Onizuka American test engineer mission specialist astronaut 1978-1986. Died in Challenger accident. |
 | Covey American test pilot astronaut 1978-1994. Grew up in Fort Walton Beach, Florida, son of an Air Force officer. Flew 339 combat missions during two tours in Southeast Asia |
 | Hart American engineer mission specialist astronaut 1978-1984. |
 | Nagel American test pilot astronaut 1978-1995. Was married to astronaut Linda Godwin. |
 | Gibson American test pilot astronaut 1978-1996. Flew combat missions over Vietnam. Was married to astronaut Rhea Seddon. |
 | Seddon American physician mission specialist astronaut 1978-1998. Physician. Was married to astronaut Robert Lee (Hoot) Gibson. |
 | Gardner American engineer mission specialist astronaut 1978-1986. |
 | Resnik American engineer mission specialist astronaut 1978-1986. Engineer. Died in Challenger accident. |
 | Fisher American physician mission specialist astronaut 1980-2006. First mother in space. Was married to astronaut William Fisher. Took extended leave 1989 to 1996 to raise family. |
 | Nelson American astronomer mission specialist astronaut 1978-1989. |
 | McNair American physicist mission specialist astronaut 1978-1986. The first American black astronaut to fly in space. Died in Challenger accident. |
 | Ride American physicist mission specialist astronaut 1978-1987. Physicist, first American woman in space. Was married to astronaut Steven Alan Hawley. |
 | Sullivan American geologist mission specialist astronaut 1978-1993. Geologist, first American woman to walk in space. As of 1999 Ms Sullivan was Director of the Center of Science and Industry in Columbus, Ohio. |
 | Hawley American astronomer mission specialist astronaut 1978-2008. Was married to astronaut Sally Ride. |
 | Stewart American test pilot mission specialist astronaut 1978-1986. |
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