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NASA-9 astronaut group, 1980
Part of Astronaut Selection Groups
Requirement: pilot, engineer, and scientist astronauts for space shuttle flights. Nickname: 19+80 - The two European astronauts in the group were not considered by the Americans to be part of the 'official' group. This led to a scene at graduation.
AKA: 19+80. Date: 1980.
More at: NASA-9 astronaut group, 1980.
 | Springer American test pilot mission specialist astronaut 1980-1990. US Marine Corps. Flew 550 combat missions in Southeast Asia. Grew up in Ashland, Ohio. |
 | Blaha American test pilot astronaut 1980-1997. Flew 361 combat missions in Vietnam. |
 | Bridges American test pilot astronaut 1980-1986. Grew up in Gainesville, Georgia. Flew 226 combat missions in Vietnam. |
 | Spring American test pilot mission specialist astronaut 1980-1988. |
 | Smith American test pilot astronaut 1978-1986. Died in Challenger accident. |
 | Grabe American test pilot astronaut 1980-1994. Flew 200 combat missions over Vietnam. |
 | Fisher, William American physician mission specialist astronaut 1980-1991. Was married to astronaut Anna Fisher. |
 | Lounge American geophysicist mission specialist astronaut 1980-1991. Grew up in Burlington, Colorado. Flew 99 combat missions in Vietnam. |
 | Bolden American test pilot astronaut 1980-1994. |
 | Richards American test pilot astronaut 1980-1995. |
 | O Connor American test pilot astronaut 1980-1991. |
 | Cleave American ecologist mission specialist astronaut 1980-1990. Engineer. |
 | Gardner, Guy American test pilot astronaut 1980-1991. Grew up in Alexandria, Virginia. Flew 177 combat missions over Vietnam. |
 | Ross American test pilot mission specialist astronaut 1980-2012. Shared world record of seven spaceflights. |
 | Dunbar American engineer mission specialist astronaut 1980-2005. Engineer. Was married to astronaut Ronald Sega. |
 | Leestma American engineer mission specialist astronaut 1980-1992. |
 | Hilmers American USMC engineer mission specialist astronaut 1980-1992. Known as a religiously conservative astronaut; summed up many astronaut's fears of the shuttle, saying before a flight "I have no plans past MECO". |
 | Chang-Diaz American physicist mission specialist astronaut 1980-2005. Shared record of seven spaceflights. |
 | Bagian American physician mission specialist astronaut 1980-1995. |
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