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 Nerva Credit: NASA |
DoE nuclear/LH2 rocket engine. Early version of Nerva engine proposed for use in Saturn and RIFT configurations in 1961.
AKA: Nerva. Status: Study 1961. Thrust: 266.00 kN (59,799 lbf). Specific impulse: 800 s. Burn time: 1,500 s.
| Nerva Alpha engine DoE nuclear/LH2 rocket engine. Study 1972. The final Nerva Alpha flight engine reference configuration as documented at the end of its development. |
| Nerva Gamma engine DoE nuclear/LH2 rocket engine. Study 1972. The final Nerva Gamma flight engine was an improved version of the Alpha, a small engine that could be launched together with its stage and a payload in a single space shuttle launch. |
| Nerva NTR DoE nuclear/LH2 rocket engine. Study 1991. Late 1980's update of 1960's Nerva design. |
EMPIRE Aeronutronic,
EMPIRE Lockheed,
EMPIRE General Dynamics,
IMIS 1968,
Von Braun Mars Expedition - 1969.
Launch Vehicles:
Nova C,
Nova D,
Saturn C-3BN,
Saturn C-5N,
Saturn V-25(S)U.
Nova C-3,
Nova D-3,
Saturn S-N C-3BN,
Saturn S-N C-5N,
Saturn S-N V-25(S)U.
Photo Gallery
 | NERVA Phoebus Credit: NASA |
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