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Nitrous oxide/Amines
Nitrous oxide/Amines propellant. Nitrous oxide has advantages as a rocket engine oxidizer in that it is non-toxic, stable at room temperature, easy to store and relatively safe to carry on a flight. Its disadvantage is that it must be stored as a gas, which make it more bulky than liquid oxidizers. Early storable rocket systems sought to improve ignition characteristics and performance by eliminating the kerosene portion of the fuel. An amine is an organic compound produced when one or more hydrogen atoms of ammonia is replaced with organic groups. Mixed amine fuels were first developed by the Germans in World War II.
| Voskhod PO Russian manned spacecraft module. Study 1965. Equipment section. |
 | Vostok World's first manned spacecraft, it was developed into the later Voskhod, and numerous versions of recoverable unmanned satellites for reconnaissance (Zenit), materials, and biological research (Bion). These remained in service into the 21st Century. Launched 1961 - 1963. |
| Vostok PO Russian manned spacecraft module. Equipment section. |
Vostok PO,
Voskhod PO.
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