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North Korean Nitric acid/UDMH rocket engine. In production. Used in North Korean missiles and Taepodong 1 satellite launcher. Derived from Isayev designs developed for Scud missiles and SLBM's of the Makeyev bureau. First flight 1998.
Status: Out of production. Number: 5 . Thrust: 144.00 kN (32,372 lbf). Specific impulse: 255 s. Specific impulse sea level: 232 s. Burn time: 176 s.
The engine can be run at full or half thrust.
Propellant Formulation: IRFNA/UDMH.
| Nodong 1 North Korean intermediate range ballistic missile. Single stage vehicle, basis for Iranian Shahab 3 and Pakistani Ghauri. |
| Nodong 1 stage Nitric acid/UDMH rocket stage. 255.00 kN (57,326 lbf) thrust. Mass 15,100 kg (33,290 lb). |
| Ghauri Pakistani intermediate range ballistic missile. Derivative of North Korean Nodong. First fired April, 1998. Payload is about 700 kg. Managed by A Q Khan Research Laboratories. |
| Ghauri stage Nitric acid/UDMH rocket stage. 255.00 kN (57,326 lbf) thrust. Mass 16,000 kg (35,274 lb). |
 | Shahab 3 Iranian intermediate range ballistic missile, evolved incrementally with Russian assistance from initial copy of North Korean Nodong 1 into a longer-range missile and the first stage of an orbital launch vehicle. Initial version began flight tests in 1998. |
| Shahab 3 stage Nitric acid/UDMH rocket stage. 255.00 kN (57,326 lbf) thrust. Mass 15,100 kg (33,290 lb). |
 | Paektusan 1 North Korean orbital launch vehicle. The third stage for the satellite launch version was probably a small solid rocket engine. It failed to reach orbit in the 1998 launch attempt, and later such tests are believed to have used a different design. |
| Taepodong 1-2 Nitric acid/UDMH propellant rocket stage. Included 100 kg spin table for spin-up of third stage prior to release. Burn time is 33.7 seconds at full thrust, 142.3 seconds at half thrust. |
| Ghadr 1 Iranian intermediate range ballistic missile, adding a solid propellant second stage to a Shahab 3 liquid propellant first stage. Improved version with range of up to 2,000 km tested in 2015. |
| Safir Iran's first orbital launch vehicle, based on the Shahab 3 intermediate range ballistic missile with upper stages. |
Storable liquid.
Korea North.
Launch Vehicles:
Paektusan 1.
Nitric acid/UDMH.
Nodong 1 stage,
Taepodong 1-1,
Ghauri stage,
Shahab 3 stage,
Taepodong 1-2,
Taepo Dong 2-2.
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