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Northrop Project 7969
Part of Man-In-Space-Soonest
 Proj 7969 Northrop Credit: © Mark Wade |
American manned spacecraft. Study 1958. Northrop's proposal for the Air Force initial manned space project was a boost-glide vehicle based on work done for the Dynasoar project.
Status: Study 1958. Gross mass: 5,000 kg (11,000 lb).
The delta wing vehicle would weigh 5,000 kg and had a hypersonic lift to drag ratio of 6.0. As with Dynasoar, a test aircraft approach was taken, with a slow build-up to orbital speed.
Manned spacecraft.
Photo Gallery
 | Project 7969 Designs Project 7969 designs using extensive aerodynamic manoeuvring. From left: North American X-15B; Bell Dynasoar; Northrop Dynasoar; Republic Demi body; Avco manoeuvrable drag cone. Credit: © Mark Wade |
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