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OMV - TRW - 1988
Orbital Manoeuvring Vehicle - TRW. TRW won the $205-million OMV phase B contract in June 1986. Shown here is the "short range vehicle" that would be left behind in orbit between missions.
Credit: NASA via Marcus Lindroos
American space tug. Cancelled 1987. The Orbital Maneuvering Vehicle (OMV) was an important component in NASA's future Space Station plans in the 1980s.
AKA: Orbital Maneuvering Vehicle. Status: Cancelled 1987.
As a separately funded part of the 1984 Space Station plan, the OMV was intended as a short range robotic 'space tug' that could move payloads about in the vicinity of the Shuttle and Space Station.
NASA awarded three $1-million study contracts to Vought, Martin Marietta and TRW in July 1984. The total estimated cost was then $400 million.
TRW won the $205-million OMV phase B contract in June 1986. The TRW Orbital Maneuvering Vehicle would use a separate propellant / propulsion module that would be returned to Earth for refueling by the Shuttle. The TRW Orbital Transfer Vehicle could also be equipped with enlarged propellant tanks for demanding missions. The OMV was then combined with the Flight Telerobotic Service into the Robotic Satellite Servicer concept. However estimated costs had grown to $465 million by 1987, soon after which further work was cancelled.
Article by Marcus Lindroos
Space Tugs,
USA - Space Stations.
Launch Vehicles:
Space Shuttle.
Photo Gallery
 | OMV Missions Orbital Manoeuvring Vehicle Missions. In this 1984 illustration, the Hubble Space Telescope is being serviced at the Space Station while the Orbital Manoeuvring Vehicle is hovering in the background. Credit: NASA via Marcus Lindroos |
 | OMV - Boeing Orbital Manoeuvring Vehicle - Boeing. Boeing's Orbital Manoeuvring Vehicle proposal from 1984. Credit: NASA via Marcus Lindroos |
 | OMV - Boeing - 1984 Orbital Manoeuvring Vehicle - Boeing. This Boeing painting from 1984 depicts a satellite being towed by an OMV to the Space Station, where it is retrieved by a robotic arm. Credit: NASA via Marcus Lindroos |
 | OMV Missions Orbital Manoeuvring Vehicle Missions. This TRW illustration from 1986 shows an OMV moving a large free-flying space platform away from the Space Station (left). Credit: NASA via Marcus Lindroos |
 | OMV 1986 Credit: NASA via Marcus Lindroos |
 | OMV - TRW - 1980s Orbital Manoeuvring Vehicle - TRW Credit: NASA via Marcus Lindroos |
 | OMV Missions Orbital Manoeuvring Vehicle Missions. The OMV (right) is approaching the Hubble Space Telescope, which will be moved to the Space Station for repair. TRW illustration from 1986. Credit: NASA via Marcus Lindroos |
 | OMV Missions Orbital Manoeuvring Vehicle Missions. The Orbital Manoeuvring Vehicle (OMV) depicted here is towing a communications satellite (right) to the Space Shuttle, where it will be refurbished. Credit: NASA via Marcus Lindroos |
 | OMV - TRW Orbital Manoeuvring Vehicle - TRW. The TRW Orbital Manoeuvring Vehicle would use a separate propellant / propulsion module that would be returned to Earth for refuelling by the Shuttle. Two such modules are depicted here. Credit: NASA via Marcus Lindroos |
 | OMV - TRW - 1986 Orbital Manoeuvring Vehicle - TRW,1986. The TRW Orbital Transfer Vehicle could also be equipped with enlarged propellant tanks for demanding missions. Credit: NASA via Marcus Lindroos |
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