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Phoenix L
Part of Phoenix C
 Phoenix L Credit: Gary Hudson |
American SSTO VTOVL orbital launch vehicle. The small Phoenix design of the 1980's was envisioned in two versions -- the Phoenix L (Light, cargo only) and Phoenix LP (Light-Prime, crewed). The earlier versions used liquid oxygen oxidizer and two fuels (hydrogen and propane) but later iterations used only oxygen and hydrogen (varying the oxidizer to fuel ratio during ascent). The designs used an 'aeroplug' in place of the 'aerospike' of earlier SSTO designs.
Status: Study 1982-1988. Gross mass: 31,000 kg (68,000 lb).
The original concepts for these vehicles were similar to the DC-Y concept of the 1990's. Nose entry was investigated, but rejected due to thermal and stability concerns.
orbital launch vehicle,
Pacific American Launch Systems.
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