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Polar Platform

Polar Platform -1987
The Space Station program would also include a large unmanned platform for Earth observation. NASA claimed this Polar Platform would utilize many of the same systems as the Station and be serviced by the Space Shuttle, although it would reside in a different (polar-) orbit than the main Station complex.
Credit: NASA via Marcus Lindroos
American manned space station. Study 1984. In order to increase the Space Station's and Space Shuttle's appeal, NASA tried to involve as many users as possible.
Status: Study 1984.
Hence the 1984 Space Station program would also include a large unmanned platform for Earth observation. NASA claimed this Polar Platform would utilize many of the same systems as the Station and be serviced by the Space Shuttle, although it would reside in a different (polar-) orbit than the main Station complex. The Polar Platform was finally transferred to the 'Mission to Planet Earth' remote sensing program in late 1990 when the Space Station's budget again was reduced.
Article by Marcus Lindroos
Space station,
USA - Space Stations.
Launch Vehicles:
Space Shuttle.
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