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 RBCC Credit: Boeing / Rocketdyne |
Rocketdyne LOx/LH2 rocket engine. Isp>400s. Rocket Based Combined-Cycle A5 Development Engine; integrated rocket, air-augmented rocket, ramjet, and scramjet propulsion elements into a single flow path.
Date: 1999. Thrust: 111.16 kN (24,989 lbf). Specific impulse: 3,500 s. Specific impulse sea level: 3,500 s.
Rocket Based Combined-Cycle A5 Development Engine. Pressure-fed or pump-fed. The RBCC engine integrates rocket, air-augmented rocket, ramjet, and scramjet propulsion elements into a single flow path. Rocket specific impulse 400 seconds; minimum thrust 600 lbs. Thrust and specific impulse values are at sea level.
Thrust (sl): 111.158 kN (24,989 lbf). Thrust (sl): 11,335 kgf.
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