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Kosberg N2O4/UDMH rocket engine. UR-200 stage 1. Engine unit (DU - dvigatelnaya ustanovka) consisting of 1 RD-0204 for tank pressurization and three RD-0203. First flight 1963.
AKA: 8D45. Date: 1961-64. Number: 9 . Thrust: 2,236.00 kN (502,672 lbf). Unfuelled mass: 1,525 kg (3,362 lb). Specific impulse: 311 s. Specific impulse sea level: 278 s. Burn time: 136 s. Height: 1.80 m (5.90 ft).
Chambers: 4. Engine: 1,525 kg (3,362 lb). Area Ratio: 29.8. Thrust to Weight Ratio: 149.5. Oxidizer to Fuel Ratio: 2.6.
 | RD-0203 Kosberg N2O4/UDMH rocket engine. UR-200 stage 1. Hardware. DU consisting of 4 RD-0204 gimbaled motors. Staged combustion cycle. First flight 1964. |
| RD-0204 Kosberg N2O4/UDMH rocket engine. UR-200 stage 1. Hardware. Diameter is per chamber. Staged combustion cycle. Variant of RD-0203 with additional pressure sensor. First flight 1964. |
 | RD-0205 Kosberg N2O4/UDMH rocket engine. UR-200 stage 2. Engine unit consisting of 1 RD-0206 main engine and 4 RD-0207 vernier/steering engines. Version of 8D44 and 8D45 with extended nozzle. Developed 1961. First flight 1963. |
| RD-0206 Kosberg N2O4/UDMH rocket engine. UR-200 stage 2. Developed 1961-64. Staged combustion cycle. First flight 1964. |
 | RD-0208 Kosberg N2O4/UDMH rocket engine. UR-200 stage 1. Developed 1961-65. Stage 1 had three RD-0208 plus one RD-0209. Further developed into RD-0210. |
| RD-0209 Kosberg N2O4/UDMH rocket engine. UR-200 stage 1. Developed 1961-65. Engine unit consisting of 1 RD-0211 for tank pressurization and three RD-0210. Modification of RD-0208 with tank pressurization. Further developed into RD--0211. First flight 1965. |
| 8D43 + 11D43 Kosberg N2O4/UDMH rocket engine. Design 1962. Originally the first stage of the Proton was designed for 4 x fixed 11D43 and 4 x gimbaled Kosberg 8D43; replaced by 6 x 11D48 from Glushko in final Proton design. |
 | RD-0210 Kosberg N2O4/UDMH rocket engine. Cluster of four similar engines used in second stage of Proton - one providing tank pressurization (8D412K/RD-0211) and three (8D411K/RD-0210). Staged combustion cycle. First flight 1965. |
| RD-0211 Kosberg N2O4/UDMH rocket engine. Proton stage 2. Out of Production. Variant of RD-0210 providing tank pressurization. Staged combustion cycle. |
 | RD-0212 Kosberg N2O4/UDMH rocket engine. Proton stage 3. Engine unit consisting of 1 RD-0213 main engine and 4 RD-0214 vernier/steering engines. 8D48 essentially similar to 8D411 and 8D412 and has the same combustion chamber. First flight 1967. |
| RD-0213 Kosberg N2O4/UDMH rocket engine. Proton stage 3. Design 1962. Version of RD-0210. Staged combustion cycle (Oxidizer pre-burner gas routed to main chamber after driving turbine). Main engine for Proton Stage 3 in system RD-0212. |
| RD-0215 Kosberg N2O4/UDMH rocket engine. Developed 1962-65 for heavy Chelomei launcher (UR-900?) stage 1. Engine unit consisting of 1 RD-0217 for tank pressurization and three RD-0216. Hardware not hot-tested. |
| RD-0210-HC Kosberg LOx/Kerosene rocket engine. Design concept 1990's. Proposed variant of RD-0210 engine using LOX-kerosene instead of N2O4/UDMH as propellants. |
 | 8D43 Kosberg N2O4/UDMH rocket engine. UR-500 stage 1 original concept. Hardware. In early Proton design would be clustered with 4 x Glushko 11D43. Abandoned in favor of 6 x Glushko 11D48, but later developed into the RD-0208 and RD-0210. |
Storable liquid.
Launch Vehicles:
Initial UR-500,
Kosberg bureau.
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