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Glushko Nitric acid/UDMH rocket engine. R-14, Kosmos 11K63 stage 1. Out of Production. Original intended use unknown. Two RD-215 clustered to make RD-216. First flight 1966.
Status: Out of Production. Date: 1958-60. Thrust: 864.00 kN (194,234 lbf). Unfuelled mass: 675 kg (1,488 lb). Specific impulse: 291 s. Specific impulse sea level: 248 s. Burn time: 146 s.
Chambers: 2. Engine: 675 kg (1,488 lb). Chamber Pressure: 73.60 bar. Area Ratio: 18.8. Propellant Formulation: RFNA/UDMH. Thrust to Weight Ratio: 130.51. Oxidizer to Fuel Ratio: 2.5.
| RD-216 Glushko Nitric acid/UDMH rocket engine. R-14, Kosmos 11K65 stage 1. RD-216 was an assembly of 2 RD-215's with 2 combustion chambers and 2 turbines. Two sets of these were in turn used in the first stage of the R-14. First flight 1964. |
| RD-217 Glushko Nitric acid/UDMH rocket engine. R-16 stage 1. Out of Production. Original intended use unknown. Three RD-217 clustered to make RD-218. First flight 1961. |
| RD-218 Glushko Nitric acid/UDMH rocket engine. R-16 stage 1. Consisted of three RD-217; had 6 combustion chambers and 3 turbines; powered the R-16 ICBM. First flight 1960. |
 | RD-219 Glushko Nitric acid/UDMH rocket engine. R-16 stage 2. Derivative of RD-217 with a truss and piping changes. Despite higher expansion ratio, engine was shorter than first stage version, with relatively low performance. Flown 1960-1972. |
| RD-216M Glushko Nitric acid/UDMH rocket engine. Kosmos-3M stage I. Out of Production. |
| RD-250 Glushko N2O4/UDMH rocket engine. R-36-0 stage 1, Tsyklon 2 stage 1. Out of Production. Assembly of 3 RD-250 units make RD-251. |
 | RD-251 Glushko N2O4/UDMH rocket engine. R-36-0 stage 1, Tsyklon 2 stage 1. In production. Assembly of 3 RD-250-type units. First flight 1965. |
 | RD-252 Glushko N2O4/UDMH rocket engine. R-36-0 stage 2; Tsyklon 2 stage 2. In production. Used modified chamber from RD-219, nozzle is conventional, so performance is higher. First flight 1965. |
| RD-261 Glushko N2O4/UDMH rocket engine. Tsyklon 3 stage 1. In production. Based on RD-251 First flight 1977. |
| RD-262 Glushko N2O4/UDMH rocket engine. Tsyklon 3 stage 2. In production. Based on RD-252 First flight 1977. |
| RD-263 Glushko N2O4/UDMH rocket engine. R-36M / RS-20A (SS-18 Mod 1) stage 1. Out of Production. Four RD-263 engines combined into RD-264 system. |
| RD-264 Glushko N2O4/UDMH rocket engine. R-36M / RS-20A (SS-18 Mod 1) stage 1. Consists of four RD-263 engines. Used on Dnepr launch vehicle. First flight 1986. |
| RD-268 Glushko N2O4/UDMH rocket engine. MR-UR-100 / RS-16 (SS-17) stage 1. Out of Production. First flight 1976. Modification of RD-263 engine. First flight 1990. |
| RD-273 Glushko N2O4/UDMH rocket engine. Developed 1975-82. Upgrade of RD-263 in 1982 based on RD-263F project. |
| RD-274 Glushko N2O4/UDMH rocket engine. Developed 1975-85. Upgrade of RD-264 engine with increased chamber pressure and thrust. Development stopped due to problems with turbopump shaft balance. |
| RD-263F Glushko N2O4/UDMH rocket engine. Developed 1980. Project to upgrade RD-263. Upgrade was realized in RD-273 engine. |
Storable liquid.
Nitric acid/UDMH.
Kosmos A-1.
Glushko bureau.
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